Divorce Dirty Energy: Why You Should Switch to Solar Now!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. I know you see me on the video, but you still don't pay

Unknown Speaker 0:27
me. No Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen. I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, hello Las Vegas. It is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show, and I have a very fun but yet educational show for you today. All right, you guys know me. I also believe in solar. You guys have heard me talk about how I love my solar. I will never go back to just depending on envy energy and, you know, getting dragged through the mud with their power bills. I always say, divert or divorce dirty energy. So I divorced dirty energy over seven, almost eight years ago, my bill has not been over $150 in almost eight years. You heard me right. My home, I just sold. You guys heard me talk about that. It was 2400 square feet. I did not have a pool or anything, but my bill was 100 and like, eight bucks a month, okay? For seven years, while I heard all my friends which one is beside me here, Miss Becky, hello, cry about their summer bills, you know, and I'm over here. Like, why are you not divorcing Nevada power in taking control of your own daggone energy, like, what is the problem? So I have teamed up with Miss Michelle. She is on my team as well. She does all things solar, and let me tell you the reason we work so well together. I sent her to my family, my friends, of course, my listeners, whom I love, and love y'all dearly, so I make sure you're in good hands. But Michelle is a lot like me in the aspect that she knows how to explain and answer all the questions to where you understand and you feel you know warm and fuzzy about the decision you're going to make, because, like you guys hear me talk about with real estate all the time, I don't want you guys being in the dark. I want you to have an educated decision, or make an educated decision. With that being said, let me go ahead and introduce you lovely listeners to my girl, Michelle, Hi, Michelle,

Unknown Speaker 2:25
thank you so much for having me excited to be here. You know, I'm

Unknown Speaker 2:29
really excited that you're here too, because, you know our last couple of um clients that we had together. One was my sister. You're still working on my sister, though, right? Yes, I am, right. And then you also just helped none other than Miss, Miss Becky over here, Miss Becky decided finally, after hearing me brag about how my new house is over 3000 square feet with a pool man and I keep it on 72 degrees, and she's going, how in the world, Monique, can you afford that?

Unknown Speaker 2:58
As I was kicking and screaming over those power bills this year. Yes, ma'am.

Unknown Speaker 3:02
I said, Well, I have solar. And I said, let me get you in touch with my girl, Michelle. And you know, because you had a lot of questions, right,

Unknown Speaker 3:10
I did a lot of misconceptions. A lot of lot of questions. Okay, do we want

Unknown Speaker 3:14
to start there? Michelle, what are some of the misconceptions that you mainly hear when it comes to solar? Definitely.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
So first and foremost, I mean, I'm sure all of you have had someone knock your door try and sell you some solar right? I've had it myself, too, in my home, and I've been in this business for six years, right? I would say most people think that you have to buy the panels get yourself in debt, and really, you know, there's a lien on your property. When you do stuff like that, and you being in real estate. I'm sure it kind of throws people off a little bit. Yeah. So definitely, the most misconception I get from people is I don't want to put money into this. I don't want to be in debt, but I want to save money on my power bill, right,

Unknown Speaker 3:50
right, right. And so now and I am going to talk about the real estate side of it, because unfortunately, there's a lot of agents out there that need to listen to this, because they will steer their buyers away from a house because they don't understand how it works when it comes, you know, as far as on the agent side, they just, you know, say, Oh, forget it. Let's just look at another house and you're cheating your buyer because you don't have the knowledge. So listen up, agents. If you're out there, I'm about to break down the knowledge for you so that you can go ahead and let your buyers, you know, have all the options, and you can explain the benefits of having solar and I will talk about the one, you know, thing that's a non benefit, but it's a certain situation, but I'll talk about that as well. So what? And that's on the real estate side. So after she answers this, what do you say to that? What are some of the choices that people have? Sure?

Unknown Speaker 4:39
So I was actually a former realtor as well. That's kind of how I got into the business. There was a huge demand for solar, but like many, agents were not really aware of what's going on, right, right? So we just stir people away from it, just because a lack of knowledge, gee, Monique

Unknown Speaker 4:53
was not making you know

Unknown Speaker 4:55
what you're talking about. So one thing I would say is. Mean, the biggest benefit to everything we all know, when you go solar, your equity goes up, right? So a lot of people really like that, yeah. Another thing too is if depending on the programs, of course, because there's different programs involved, if it's something to where you don't want to actually buy the panels, right? All, essentially, we do is we just qualify the home based off of the sun hours and your roof. This is a little bit different than real estate, because not one size fits all. You really have to sit down with someone, go over the information, and then they'll tailor it towards your needs, right, right? The biggest benefit, I would say, though, from what I've seen, being also a realtor, and then, of course, working with so many people, is one you're not coming out of pocket for absolutely anything. That's

Unknown Speaker 5:39
right, I didn't come out of my pocket not one time, not one

Unknown Speaker 5:44
time. Zero out of pocket. You could come out of pocket for none of this. And essentially what we do is we just swap your power bill, and we just reduce it by anywhere from 20 to 30% and that's

Unknown Speaker 5:53
the truth, you guys. And when she says sun hours, she's saying, wherever your roof is positioned, how many hours are you gonna be able to generate power? Because ultimately you sell it to Nevada power. Did you know that? So you're actually selling Nevada power some power right back. Yes, ma'am, besides saving a ton of money over the years, is you're going green and you're you're helping the planet. So, you know, I have little girls and little kids, and so I want to try to leave it in the best shape that I possibly can so that's not contributing too. What was your concerns like? What was one of your myths that you found out about that's actually got busted up with solar?

Unknown Speaker 6:29
There was several and Michelle was so patient and went through everything with me one by one. I was, you know, you keep hearing all these scams, and then especially, there's been a lot on the radio, on the TV today. Keep seeing the ones with the roofs falling down and whatever else. My biggest thing, that was a big seller was the transparency, and where she, you know, said, if your property is not a good candidate for it, we're not gonna do it right. And that was a big, big thing to me, because a lot of them are just out there trying to just make the money, just, let's go slap these panels up. And your property may not be eligible for it. And yeah, and you are. And you watch all of these people that are then stuck with all of these things later, and

Unknown Speaker 7:10
they don't go in on their property. Oh, yeah, oh yeah. A lot of times this stuff is not working. And

Unknown Speaker 7:14
it's a big you know, my misconception is this is a huge investment. I have to pay all of this money, I don't think I'm ready to do that. And when she explained that there's different programs, I can do it, you know, this way, I can do it this way, or I can do it this way. And walked me through each and every one and what they all entailed,

Unknown Speaker 7:32
do you still feel like it's a big investment out of

Unknown Speaker 7:36
your pocket? $0 in fact,

Unknown Speaker 7:40
now you probably feel like it's a big investment into your pocket. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 7:43
I am from the savings. I am kicking myself because, as with any product or anything that comes out, you know over time, when things you know, supply, demand, inflation, everything that happens, prices go up, right? So you'd been talking to me for a while about it. Now, mine's not gonna be $150

Unknown Speaker 8:01
it's not today's price. In fact, everybody out there that's waiting for these prices to drop are complaining that the housing market is too high right now. Yeah, yesterday's price is not today's price. I bought my my first house at 237,000 and I was crying and I was mad about it. I thought that was high and Honey, let me tell you, I'm so happy that I did yesterday's price is not today's price. So the longer you sit on your hands, yes,

Unknown Speaker 8:25
you're going to end if I had done the solar before, I wouldn't be paying quite as much as I am now. I'm still paying way less than I'm about to energy and be energy Absolutely. Yeah, and I'm my husband's giving me that side eye because he's been asking me for a while.

Unknown Speaker 8:40
What about solar? You mean monthly? It's

Unknown Speaker 8:42
up a little bit more than Yes, because I do have my solar bill, but yeah, now, oh, there's

Unknown Speaker 8:48
another thing people say, wait a minute, when you get solar, you got to pay two you got to pay Nevada power all this money still, and you're paying a lot of money to to, you know, the solar company. And so why would I do that, right?

Unknown Speaker 9:01
So, when I first started the, you know, in solar, one thing that I would notice a lot is people would get two bills, right? I would just knock on people's doors just to see their experience. Hey, I know you have solar. How's it going with your experience? Right? I kid you not, out of 10 people, I would say about seven of them said, I don't like this, because the person that gave it to me didn't explain to me how it actually works, right, right? So the whole two power bill misconception is, what we do is we create a design for you that's based off of your needs, right? What kilowatts you use on an annual basis, and two, three years worth of history. We do that because we want to offset 100% of your power. So you're not getting that power pool from Nevada energy, right? If you are offset it at 100% which is what we shoot for. You only get the $18 service fee that we should be paying. And that's a service fee we all have to pay, regardless if we have solar. And

Unknown Speaker 9:49
just to have the access to Nevada power, in case you actually need it, you have to pay $18 for that and that. And let me just chime in real quick. I have never paid Nevada power over $30 which. And that was only a couple times a year, and I've had solar once again almost eight years. But go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
Yeah. So my main goal with everyone, right? Is, like, Becky kind of said, I'm not the Yes girl. I'm always the No girl, because I know one thing, if it you don't have a good experience, you're gonna come back to me, and my name is worth more than selling you solar, right? So my goal is to make sure that whatever it is that you're needing, I can give it to you. If it's something where we can only offset 20% I myself will tell you, hey, stick with Nevada. Yes, the rates are going to go up immensely, and I can get to that, you know, later on, but at least you're aware that what I'm giving you is something that you you can't get. Yeah, otherwise, I mean, you're going to get two bills, and that's not what I want, right,

Unknown Speaker 10:39
right, right? And then you know what? I can speak to that, because my sister lives in Seattle, lives in Seattle. And I said, Well, are you sure that you even need solar? And I said, Wait, because she had some somebody knocked on her door. They were already up on her roof. I said, Jackie, don't you sign anything until you talk to Michelle. And sure enough, Michelle says, Listen, I don't want you to sign anything with those people, not, you know, just because I sell solar too, but because I'm not sure if you're going to be a good candidate. You know what? I mean, it might not make sense. We got to make it make sense. If it makes more sense for her to split up her bills throughout the year and it's cheaper for her to go that way, then Michelle's going to advise her this may not be the right route for you, because Seattle does not produce the same sun that we do, obviously. So she's already working with my sister, and she did tell my sister. My sister even told me, Oh, your girl said that I'm she might not even, you know, want to put me into solar. She's going to look around and try to see what companies are out there, and if it makes financial sense, if it doesn't, she's going to tell me, you know, just to try something else with a power company. So I also second that about Michelle is that she's thorough. She's patient when it comes to asking all these questions. Because we've all heard it from our neighbors and coworkers, all these rumors and all everything else and myths, and she's she's patient about explaining exactly what you know the real deal is. So we're all about truth, right? We want truth,

Unknown Speaker 11:58
yes, to reach out to her a couple times. I'm like, I'm sorry to bother you. Can you re explain this to me one more time before I move forward? And she no problem every time. I

Unknown Speaker 12:07
would be worried if they didn't ask me questions. Oh, yeah, she said that several times. Yeah, no, I have people where they're like, I don't really know what to ask you, and then I pop out like a sheet that says this is what I asked when I got solar, right? So let me tell you what you should be asking. That way, you know you feel comfortable, confident in your decision, right?

Unknown Speaker 12:24
And if you're just tuning in, this is Monique Buchanan. This is the welcome home with Monique show. I have my friends slash team members on with me today. Miss Michelle and Becky. Michelle does all things solar on the Welcome Home team. So if you're thinking about putting solar in and you want somebody that you could trust, and it has a reputable company, not just some fly by night company that's gonna come out there and you're gonna end up on the news, God forbid, you know, but yeah, if you're interested in solar and you want to learn more about it, you want to just pick her brain, get those questions answered that you've been thinking about. She's here for you guys. You can reach her at 702-984-3700. 7029. 7029. 84, 3700, you can simply text your first last name and your phone number, and she will give you a quick call and go ahead and schedule something with you, and it's free of charge. You guys completely free of charge. So there's no need to worry about, you know, getting a bill in the mail or anything like that. It's just education. Educate yourself and find out if solar is the way for you to go, which, for me, honey, there was no turning back. It's almost like, you know, listen, I'm not going to go back to that, that lifelong contract that everybody's in with Nevada power, because that's what it is. Try missing that Bill and see if you're in a contract or not. Try missing that bill,

Unknown Speaker 13:38
and there's no shopping around, right? And you have no shopping.

Unknown Speaker 13:41
You cannot shop, at least in Texas, they, you know, there's multiple power companies where you can shop the rate. There is no no honey. You have Nevada power, and that's that. So this is your other option. So once again, if you're interested, 7029, 84, 3700, you can simply text first and last name and your phone number and solar, and we will get you right on over to Michelle, but yeah, let's, let's get right back into this. Michelle, what are let's go off the PPA. I have the PPA plan. Can you explain in a just quick little example of what that means? Sure. So

Unknown Speaker 14:13
what the PPA is, it stands for power purchase agreement. Okay. So what the PPA is is basically, we get you a kilowatt, right? So the way that Nevada energy works, just to kind of break it down a little bit for you all, so home uses an annual basis of kilowatts, right, right? Every home is very different. Now what you're paying for the kilowatts is also on your power bill. So it's kind of like gas, how much is the gallon? How much is the kilowatt rate? So with the power purchase agreement, basically we just get you out a smaller, lower rate, right to where you don't have to continue seeing all of the increases with Nevada power, right? It's

Unknown Speaker 14:46
locked. And too is locked, you guys

Unknown Speaker 14:48
exactly. So I'm not sure this is kind of like a fun fact, but do you guys know who owns Nevada energy? No, take a guess. Warren Buffet Warren Buffett. Dave.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
And he's around, doesn't he? She was listening,

Unknown Speaker 15:03
yeah. So what our goes with the PPA is just to get you locked in and protected against inflation. Okay, right? That's basically what it is. Now, you don't own the panels, and there's no lien on the home. So essentially what we do is just a rate swap where you're not coming out of pocket for absolutely anything. See, that's

Unknown Speaker 15:19
what I have right now on my house, so I don't own the panels, but I get to have the benefit of the panels Exactly. And now, what's the difference? Now, how about a lease? So I lease it. Is it 20 years? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:31
So with the lease itself, typically it's for loans, right? You can get a loan and get the benefits of the tax credit the 30% okay? Now, which is why I say every home is different, because everyone has, you know, different lives. Some people benefit from the credit. Others don't, right? Those that donor, like retired folks that say, Hey, I don't really have any tax liabilities. I'd rather just get the PPA. So the benefit from the PPA, just going back a little bit, is you don't have to maintain the product. We maintain it for you for 25 years. We also offer roof warranties, which, I mean, who doesn't want that? Right? Right? The biggest thing I would say, and the reason why I have the PPA on my home is because you get a production guarantee. So let's say, for instance, we all know tech is changing constantly, right, right? So let's say you're five, something else comes out, and you know, you want to get it replaced, for whatever reason, it's something that we can do, because the product guarantee guarantees that, if you're guaranteed 10,000 kilowatts, that's what you're gonna get, or we'll take responsibility over that. So it just gives people peace of mind. As far as the loan is concerned, basically, you just get the tax credit for it. You can, of course, your equity goes up more than anything, and then you own the panels, and then you also get the benefits of the savings. Okay? So case by case, let me explain

Unknown Speaker 16:40
that to you guys. What she's saying is that if you buy them outright, she's saying that your equity goes up in your property, obviously, because now your house is producing its own power. Okay, so that is a game changer. When I sell a property that has paid off solars, there's people fighting at the door for it. That's because, basically, when I retire, I don't even have to worry about a power bill, okay? All I have to worry about is this gas bill and taxes. Now, with the lease, if they lease it for 20 years, I get this question a lot, what happens after the 20 years? Do you guys come rip 'em off the roof?

Unknown Speaker 17:12
So there's three different options. The first option is, you can just continue with the agreement and say, Hey, I wanna keep my kilowatts out. I don't know, 15 cents, let's say that right? In five years, 10 years, the kilowatt rate is going to be way higher, way higher, right? Yeah, you can remove them and they'll fix your roof completely how it was before. Or you can simply buy them out. Just depends on what you want to do. Oh, that's

Unknown Speaker 17:33
nice. So they give you options. So, um, with a PPA, they just stay on there for how long?

Unknown Speaker 17:37
Ppa? It's 20 to 25 years, depending on the company that you choose. So since I'm a broker, I can kind of connect people with, you know, essentially the best company that fits them, that

Unknown Speaker 17:46
makes sense, that's really good, okay, and then you just basically it's the same thing. Or you can just kind of negotiate at that point, after 25 years exactly, and lock in, you get to still lock in the low rate. You

Unknown Speaker 17:54
can lock in the low rate the

Unknown Speaker 17:56
PPA, I think you stated that at the end, once everything's done, we can purchase the panels. That's correct at the market price, then not. So I

Unknown Speaker 18:04
get yesterday's price that day.

Unknown Speaker 18:07
Yes, that's right.

Unknown Speaker 18:09
So I'm gonna purchase it at what it would have cost me the day they put them up on my roof. 25 years later, I'm gonna purchase it for that that price, 25 years ago,

Unknown Speaker 18:18
exactly No, you're gonna purchase for what it is worth. I get the 25 years, but it's, like, degraded now, or what's it? What's the word I'm looking

Unknown Speaker 18:23
Yeah, so now, because it's degradation, like, everything, right, they're going to give you the price based off of

Unknown Speaker 18:30
what it's worth. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. So I'm gonna get pennies on the dollar, pennies

Unknown Speaker 18:34
on the I like, pennies on the dollar. Okay, now let's talk about this. I'm gonna talk about the real estate side real quick about it. Okay, guys, so realtor, realtors, please. My realtor partners out there, listen up. Stop running your buyers away from solar. And not all of them do. My colleagues don't all do that, but they don't understand that. They will typically, like Michelle admitted, run for the hills. But here's the thing, guys, if you, if you ever see a listing and your client calls you and says, Hey, I like this house. It's got solar on it. You're gonna immediately reach out to the listing agent and just ask them, hey, is this Is it a loan? Is it PPA, or is it leased? It is no big deal. You guys. If they say it's a loan or, I'm sorry if it's a lease or PPA, it's easy peasy. Okay, all your buyer is going to have to do is simply call that company and have it transferred into their name. Once they purchase a property, they'll do a credit check, and even if you even if his credit somehow he's buying house, he must have pretty decent credit. But let's say that it's terrible, they'll just make him put a down payment, like a small down payment, like 500 bucks, something like that, and they'll go ahead and still transfer the solar into his name, just like when the house gets transferred into your buyer's name is just that simple. You guys, it takes a week or less to have this done. So don't run your clients away. Explain the benefits that if they decide down the road to rent that property, they can now raise the rent a little bit. Because guess what? You can market the property as, hey, utilities. Included. If it's a power property, there you go. You know what your payment is every single month because you have solar, you're not with NV energy, so you can tell your tenants, hey, you know, just pay me $2,000 a month. And utilities included. Okay, you can't do that if you have NV energy, because you don't know how much, how much power they're going to spend if they're going to be like my husband and want the, you know, AC up to 68 now I'm 115 to, you know, degree day anyways. But do you see where I'm going with this? So if it's a PPA or a lease, no big deal. You guys educate your buyer, let them know. No biggie. No big deal. Just we'll have it transferred into your name. No big deal. Bam. That's it. Now, if it is a loan, then it's a little bit different. It's still not a big deal, assuming that the people have had the property for a while now, when they buy the loan, or when they buy the solar it becomes almost like a car parked in the garage, is what I tell people. Now, if that's an old car, it's been 15 years in there, it's not worth that much anymore, right? So instead of being worth $30,000 it's only worth 12,000 you can ask the seller to pay that off at the you know, when you close the deal, negotiate that being paid off in full. But if the seller is not willing to pay off the solar and it's in its I don't know the balance is $25,000 because they just got it last year, then that's when it can be somewhat of an issue, because now your buyer has to qualify for that $25,000 on top of the I don't know, 500,000 that they that they got approved for, for the home. Do you see what I'm saying? It becomes a debt lien on that property, so your buyer then must qualify for it. So it's a little different. If it's a loan, don't run away from the loan still, because if you're a Savvy Realtor like myself and my team, then you're just going to negotiate the seller to go ahead and pay that off. Okay? You're going to work it on out, all right? And then you're going to be happy, and your buyer's going to be happy because they're going to have solar on their roof that will be paid off one day, if not that same well paid off once you negotiate it. But even if they take over the payments, they'll ultimately pay it off and have free power at that property. So if you're just tuning in, once again, this is Monique Buchanan with the Welcome Home Team. Miss Becky with me, and I also have Miss Michelle. She's all things solar. If you would like more information or to speak to Miss Michelle, 702 980 430-700-7029, 84 3700 Did you have any other little things that you've heard that you want to kind of debunk? I mean, I do want to say this, not every house can get solar, guys, so count yourself lucky, honey, because you might call and be sad. So what houses on on on average, are not qualified to get solar?

Unknown Speaker 22:37
Yes. So biggest recommendation that I would say for people. So if your home has a lot of trees in the front, it's probably not the best fit. However, doesn't mean we can't do it. You would just have to cut the trees down, make a little investment to be able to do that. Okay, a lot of the I would say the best homes are south facing homes, just because you can actually get the best sun hours through South facing, north facing homes typically don't get as many sun hours, but it's still something we can do. It's just sometimes we have to do more panels, add more panels to the roof, just to be able to offset 100% of it. I would say those are the top just making sure that we don't have so many plants, right? Trees, yeah, on the homes property more than anything, to block, to block Exactly. So hanging over the roof, hanging over the roof to where you can't actually see, you know, the roof.

Unknown Speaker 23:23
Now, do you guys still put the panels if they want? Can't they put them in the backyard? I've seen people make them almost like patios, not patios, but you know what I mean, like they use them almost like patios?

Unknown Speaker 23:32
Yeah. So we it's typically depends on the company. Okay, so you're a broker, so you can shop it around exactly the best you could shop it around people's needs. Well, thank

Unknown Speaker 23:40
you Michelle for coming on today. Thank you for having me. Yeah, that was awesome, man. If you guys have more questions, like I said, and Thank you Becky for being Michelle's clients. I talked about your experience, because people want to hear from real people, right? Yeah. How was your experience, overall,

Unknown Speaker 23:56
overall, from start to finish, we are almost live on the I guess, not the grid, or how you want to call that, but start to finish has been amazing. Everybody has been transparent. They've been patient. They've been right on top of everything, and it was seamless, like it was nothing,

Unknown Speaker 24:11
yeah. And then let's talk about the time frame real quick. How long does it take to get the panels on?

Unknown Speaker 24:15
So typically, from the time that we actually sit down and go over the information and the agreement is signed. We take about, I mean, typically we just have to wait for permits. We take about one to two weeks, depending on the area that you're located after that. And what Becky means by waiting for them, you know, to turn on is we just need a final city inspection to be able to then turn them on, right? Typically, it takes about three to four weeks, depending on the time frame, like, I think she just mentioned, she just had hers. We installed it last week, right? Yeah, yeah, wow. I was

Unknown Speaker 24:43
surprised it was super fast, because I was prepared for it to be a couple of weeks down the road. But, yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:48
I usually like to take tell people worst case scenario. I don't like to over promise and, you know, under deliver, right? But typically about three to four weeks for that PTO time. It's called PTO because that's when we can actually turn it on, right?

Unknown Speaker 24:59
All right? Well, thank you again, Michelle, for coming on and Becky. Let's run on over our our office listings really fast. Okay, we've got some new listings that have come on the market. All right, let's start with Olympia. Chase, drive, 89141, and it's 4.67 5 million now. Now, wait a minute. This is why it's 4.6 it's 6100 square feet, five bedroom, five bath. All right. And it is, listen, it has Strip views and everything. So if you want to check out that property or get more information on it, once again, 702984, 3700, all right, so Strip views, 6100 square feet, five bedroom, five bath, the next one is, oh, I'm sorry that actual address is for Olympia, Chase drive. You can check it out. All right. The next listing is 6645 West, El Campo Grande, okay, guys, that zip code is 89130, this property is going for 2.3 all right. It's a six bedroom, seven bath, and it even has an extra half bath. The property itself is over 8000 square feet, and it sits on over an acre of land. You guys. Now, listen, you remember when they had the you know, the rules change about how big you can make your pools. Well, guess what? This one has a 60,000 gallon pool, and it has an additional 13,000 square feet of undeveloped land in the back. All right, then there's so much more. So if you want to check this property out, you can reach me and my team at 702 980 430-700-7029, 84 3700 and let me just end with saying this. I am building the Welcome Home Team fellow agents out there, or if you're thinking about getting your license and you've been trying to figure out where you're gonna go, I am building the Welcome Home Team. I'm happy to bring you on to my team. I am the kind of person that's kind of old school, just like myself and Becky can attest. We are people that learn hands on. So just like I was blessed enough to have a mentor to sit me down in the chair and show me how to write out a contract and negotiate a good deal for my buyer. I plan on doing the same for my team members. So if you're out there, maybe you're struggling at the brokerage you're at, or you're just not getting the help that you need. I am now not only helping my listeners purchase homes, but I'm going to help my fellow colleagues out there that are, you know, not, you know, just need extra help in the real estate business. I'm going to welcome you on to my team. And if you're interested, you can jump on my website. Welcome home with monique.com and again, my number is 7029. 84, 3700 Becky coins, yes, yes, yes. She is on my team. You guys have heard chime in the last couple, you know, shows, and she actually, well, you tell them real quick. Mo

Unknown Speaker 27:46
and I go back a long time, long time. And we both have had issues with our own home purchases, so therefore, wanted to kind of get in just kind of help. We're both problem solvers, so real estate was kind of a natural way to

Unknown Speaker 27:58
go, yeah. So for all that don't know, Becky actually went to real estate school with me. Many, many, many, many moons ago. Yeah. So she also kept her job. She was working in the casino industry, but also as a union rep. And I really feel like a lot of that plays a part of why you're such a good realtor today, just being that problem solver, putting out fires for, you know, all the people that worked with you and bridging,

Unknown Speaker 28:22
I was a big bridge between management and the employees. So that bridge between the two and kind of getting everybody to come together, natural progression into real estate, getting both sides together. And so now

Unknown Speaker 28:33
she is your bridge between buyer and seller, or seller and buyer, right? Yes, ma'am. So if you guys don't know Becky is on my team. She's one of about six, and she is going to be very close with me and hands on and be taking a lot of my buyers out. What she's already doing now, a lot of my kumv buyers are already very happy with me, letting me know that they love Becky, and yeah, we're getting them into homes. In fact, we have quite a few right now that are in escrow. So congratulations to you guys. But once again, I am building my team. So if this sounds like something that you are interested in, you want to become part of the welcome home team, then you can reach me at 7029 84, 3700, if you're thinking about listing your property, if we got down payment assistance programs that you can utilize. If you've been renting your home for more than three years, you are a first time home buyer, I can help you get zero down. I have those programs. But if you're thinking about listing your property, 7029 84 3700 and until I hear from all of you guys, have a blessed weekend. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate. My license number is S 1788, 46 my phone number if you'd like to contact me, is 702-984-3700, you can also find me on YouTube, and please join me tomorrow at my church, Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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