How to Purchase Properties in Mexico | Understanding the Laws for Investment or Retirement

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You see me?

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen, I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, hello, Las Vegas. It's Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show, and I have an amazing show for you today. Listen, I've got great things going on. I am so truly blessed. I just actually bought my own second home. We actually upgraded me and my family. And I'm just excited to talk to you all about that. I know you guys have heard me talk about that I was gonna buy another home for my family. Well, guess what? We got keys on Friday. So I'm so excited. We're not quite in there. So that's part of the show, too. I've got my family has flown down. They have business here in Vegas. But one of one of his businesses is that he does flooring him and his son. And they do all type of things like that. And they're out here on a project and I am blessed enough to have them on the show today. I also have none other than the Mexico guy. Listen, I know a lot of you guys out there are wanting to retire and maybe buy investment properties in Mexico. Or heck, maybe you just want to move to the beach. Okay, because I know I do. So I decided to bring on none other than the Mexico guy. So let me go ahead and just introduce everybody that I have on today. I've got on the Mexico guy, Robert, how are you? I'm

Unknown Speaker 1:50
doing wonderful. Thanks again for Monique for having me. Come on board today. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:54
man, I've been looking forward to this really I have. And also my my cousin, Thai senior. How are you? Thai?

Unknown Speaker 2:01
I'm good. I'm here with you. Thanks for having us today. And look forward to be here.

Unknown Speaker 2:07
Well, thank you. Thank you for coming. So Ty, Jr. Welcome to the show. Ty

Unknown Speaker 2:11
Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm excited. I just flew in. I'm excited to be able to hang out with family and take care of some work stuff at the same time to kind of make the best vacation.

Unknown Speaker 2:18
Thank you, Ty, you know, I appreciate it. Alright, so we're gonna start off with the Mexico guy. So what we're gonna do is, there's so many misconceptions about buying property in Mexico. And I want you to bust that up. That's what my show is all about busting up these myths about buying homes. Oh, you got to have $100,000 20% down to buy. That's not true. That's absolutely not true. You only need 3.5% down. So that's what started this show, busting up these myths, letting people are explaining to people how it is achievable to become homeowners how it is achievable to be investors even in Mexico. So why don't you just go ahead and take it from there, Robert, just

Unknown Speaker 2:59
to let everybody know, it is safe. In Riviera Maya Mexico to be quite honest, I feel safer whether I'm in Toluca Playa Del Carmen or Cancun than I am here in Las Vegas. I'm just being honest, I've been living there off and on for about seven years, and I have never felt safer. So that kind of eliminates the safety myth. Also, just to let you know, the federal government has focused everything on Riviera Maya for its safety, they do not want any problems. So you're feel free to walk at two o'clock in the morning, down Fifth Avenue in Playa Del Carmen and you will be completely safe.

Unknown Speaker 3:36
Okay, let me jump in real quick. You're saying that the area of Mexico and guys tie senior and junior, if you have questions, go ahead and ask him because you know, me and him are both realtors. So we have the realtor mindset. You know what I mean? So you guys would be the ones to ask these questions that maybe my listeners are are wanting to ask but they're not here right now. So real quick, what area when you say that the river, the Riviera. What cities that exactly is that we're in Mexico

Unknown Speaker 4:01
Riviera Maya is also known as Katana Ro And it includes going south from Tulu, all the way up north to Cancun and also partially milling around to the Yucatan peninsula, which is on the Gulf Coast, also of Mexico. So that includes that whole Caribbean side.

Unknown Speaker 4:17
Oh, nice. We like the Caribbean side. Now. Tie Dye if you guys either one of you guys been to Tulum,

Unknown Speaker 4:23
I've never been to Mexico. I really wanted to go there before but I just haven't had the chance to been busy working but I'm really interested to learn more about what he has to talk about.

Unknown Speaker 4:32
Right and now did it did it now you got to be honest. One of the first things he started with was Hey, guys, it's safe. Now have you guys tie SR hurt that is not safe to purchase property in Mexico or you know what I mean? So

Unknown Speaker 4:44
I I've been there once when I was younger, just on a vacation to Cancun, but I've never actually looked into buying property there. But so I'm interested in hearing what he has to say more to as well. Yeah, and

Unknown Speaker 4:56
I will say this. I've been in Mexico many times. I love Cancun. I like Like, Cabo is my favorite. But I will say that I walked at night in Cabo. And I felt completely safe. You know what I mean? I, I didn't feel any, any kind of, you know, anxiety about walking around in Cabo. So it's good. I'm glad that you lead with that, that it is safe to purchase there. So let me ask you this. One of the other myths that I hear a lot about purchasing property in Mexico is, Hey, you can't own land in Mexico, the Mexican government doesn't actually let you own it. They only let you rent it for 100 years. What do you say to that, Robert? That

Unknown Speaker 5:31
also is a myth. About 15 to 20 years ago, the Mexican government passed legislation where all foreigners can own land and property in Mexico. And you're owning it under what's called a fee of the company. So which is basically a Bank Trust. In the past, they had had some problems on the Pacific side with land ownership, people coming in after the fact you build saying the land was theirs. However, to eliminate that problem and embarrassment, the federal government has mandated that anybody who's purchasing property in Riviera Maya, they can get a bank trust that's backed by the federal government. And what's great is you can completely control the property, you can resell it, will it to your kids, modify it, do anything you want? All it's going to have as a government seal for your own protection? And yes, it is for 100 years, and it's completely renewable. And you can will it to your kids, grandkids, family members, anybody but yes, you can own land.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
Okay, so that's cool. Yeah, that is cool. So I You said it's for 100 year. So you're saying that, if I own that property, and you know, I pass away? Thank you, Jesus, I lived 100 years. Then what happens? Well,

Unknown Speaker 6:38
normally what families do is they put their children and grandchildren on the Bank Trust. Okay. So it'll be we'll back down to them. So if anything does happen to you, God forbid, they'll have they'll have ownership of the property also, in the Mexican government respects. What

Unknown Speaker 6:53
about like property tax? You have to pay like property tax your property taxes

Unknown Speaker 6:57
are point 1% Oh, my goodness. Did you say? Point? 1.1%? Yes, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:07
My listeners in Texas hear that. They're like probably going crazy right now. To pack up and move. Right. Yeah, absolutely. Point 1% Even out here, you know, our taxes are not high compared to the rest of the country where the federal

Unknown Speaker 7:20
government's making their money on tourism. So they make billions of dollars on tourism. And they want you to come in by now and they want you to own so they minimize your property taxes.

Unknown Speaker 7:28
Okay. Okay. So here's here's a thought, um, you know, here in the Las Vegas Valley, they've made it quite hard to own Airbnb is because obviously, hotels don't want you in their pocket. Right. So I think that right now only I think Henderson is the only one that and don't quote me. Henderson is at least one of the cities here in Vegas that will allow you to do Airbnb. How is the Mexico government with if I want to invest in an Airbnb? How does that look? For me?

Unknown Speaker 7:56
It's good question. There are absolutely no restrictions. Why Riviera Maya Mexico for Airbnb ease. You can rent it full time or part time, use property management, and they have no restrictions at all with Airbnb rental.

Unknown Speaker 8:09
That's amazing. So I can use the vacation Thai, we can use it as a vacation spot, right? And then when we're not there, we can be making money on it.

Unknown Speaker 8:19
And when we're there, we can put some tile in. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 8:24
We can flip it. In fact, you know what, Robert? We don't even need one that's already fixed. Nobody, what does that look like price wise? Yeah, what do you have down there right now price wise,

Unknown Speaker 8:34
you can get something as little as 110,000, fully furnished in Playa Del Carmen is a million miles away from the beach, five blocks away from fully furnished. We have wind development right now, which we only have two units left. But you can go all the way up to million dollar properties right on the beach. So we have a lot of investors currently buying the only deposit you need down if you're interested in something. Some developers will ask you for $5,000, what's called a reservation fee. Others only asked for $1,000 reservation fee. And that's good for 15 working days for you to do all your due diligence, asked me the Mexico guy, Hey, I need some ROI projections, I need some information after the 15 days, then they'll drop a purchase contract and you'll put down a 30% deposit and the balance will be due when you get your keys and delivery.

Unknown Speaker 9:23
So that's more like a cash deal. Right? Yeah. And since 90% of the business is

Unknown Speaker 9:27
done in cash, okay,

Unknown Speaker 9:29
that's a great question. Because, you know, a lot of countries, they just take cash, they don't even like, you know, they won't even let you make this plan. Like he's saying, so I like that they're breaking it up at least. So they're saying, Okay, give us you know, a little skin in the game. $5,000. Right. And then go ahead and give us 30%. Right, just like as if you were buying an investment property here in the States, you got to put 20% down. Yeah. So it's almost, you know, you know, and then the next level of that or the next, you know, part of that is once we give you keys then you know it's time to pay the whole thing. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 9:58
Oh wow. Is to a builder is what is free

Unknown Speaker 10:02
construction project strictiond. Okay, gotcha. And that's primarily what we focus on. And I'm mainly focused on the pre construction because I've been vetting builders, they're in Riviera, Maya, Mexico. Some of the things that are true about Mexico is I would say about 70% of the builders are not very good talent. So I bedded for the past five years, I'd say a handful of builders that I only work with exclusively where we have no problems,

Unknown Speaker 10:31
and that's what makes you so you know, such a fine, you know, it's hard to find somebody that knows the laws in Mexico, and also is living down there. So he knows he's down there. You know, he's boots on the ground. He knows who's doing what they're supposed to do and who's not. So if you're just tuning in, this is Monique Buchanan, the welcome home with Monique Show. I'm your host, Monique Buchanan. And I've got the Mexico guy on along with my lovely family, they're helping me host today, ask him some questions. But if you're interested, and you want more information about maybe retiring down there, maybe just buying an investment property down there, but you're always kind of holding back because you you don't know anybody down there, right? And you want to make sure you have a reputable real tour, who is licensed not only in Mexico, but here in the states that is very hard to find. Okay, he's a rare, fine, you can reach him at 7029843700702984 3700. My website is welcome home with My IG is at realtor Monique Buchanan. So let's jump back into it. Like I said, that's amazing. So you know, the the builders that are reputable, that are going to get the job done that have a proven track record. I mean, that alone, right tie that's, you know, yeah, that's big, because you guys are in construction. Yeah. And, you know, I mean, are all the construction people know,

Unknown Speaker 11:50
it's scary when you're, when you're across, you know, state lines like that, and people have stuff going on, it can always be there, to manage it and watch it. So to be able to reach out to him, you know, and get some knowledge from him to be able to know who to work with. Definitely a big thing

Unknown Speaker 12:03
already. And a long ways.

Unknown Speaker 12:05
You know, Ty you make a really good point. I mean, think about that. You're not there. Yeah, but he is yeah, he lives there, he's able to run over and check on your property. I mean, that is tremendous, right? Because that's what makes us nervous and hesitant about purchasing even out of state. Like you said, Ty, that was a great point. But yeah, so that's, that's awesome. So there's reputable builders, you know, the law. So what you said that the law is? Can you just restate the law one more time just because I think I must have, okay,

Unknown Speaker 12:34
well, basically, anybody can own land in Riviera, Maya, Mexico, okay. Okay, and you're purchasing it under a Bank Trust. So it's completely under your name, it's just going to have the bank seal on it for your own protection. So nobody can come in at a later date, saying that the property is theirs. So yes, it is safe to own their minimum deposit down is a reservation fee of between $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the builder. After 15 days, they require a 30% deposit. And the balance can either be paid when you get your keys upon delivery, or the breakdown on equal monthly payments. But it has to be cash. We do offer financing in Mexico. However, the interest rate there, you'll get the same interest rate as the locals get, but it's high. It's about 11 or 12%. Sometimes it makes sense, depending on your cash flow, but we do offer lending. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 13:25
what about what about this question? And then what about like reseller equity or you know, gaining value? What? How does? How does all that? Look? That's

Unknown Speaker 13:33
an awesome question. On average, over the past five years, when somebody buys a pre construction deal, the average increase in value by the time we get your keys is between 30 to 40%. Even get your keys and I'll tell you why. Most people that are investing down there want to cash flow right away for Airbnb rentals, they don't want to wait for pre construction. So a lot of other investors are flipping paper, they're basically purchasing the unit, right before they get the keys. They call me Robert, resell it. And I've got a list of buyers who want to buy and rent right away upon taking delivery. That's why the value has gone up. And that's why these investors want to use Airbnb Reynolds are willing to pay the higher margin because they don't have to wait for construction. That's

Unknown Speaker 14:16
awesome. It's a headache that scares a lot of people construction. So it is a scary thing.

Unknown Speaker 14:21
And one of the good things about it too is since I'm there, anybody that purchases on a monthly basis, I send you an updated video of the actual construction. So you see it on a monthly basis.

Unknown Speaker 14:32
Yeah, it takes all the anxiety away, right. Knowing somebody is there for you knowing somebody's gonna look out and you know, watch the property. Yes, they'll give you updates and stuff like that. That's a that's a good thing.

Unknown Speaker 14:43
Now, Robert, when we spoke, you were telling me about your approach to the well, my demographic which is most of my, my demographic is retirees that are listening. What do you what would you say to them, you're saying that a lot of them are reaching out to you and pulling out HELOC. So, yes,

Unknown Speaker 15:00
a lot of them are getting HELOC on their current property or even doing reverse mortgages. Yes, because now currently reverse mortgages allow you to pull X amount out, and you can use it for retirement property in Mexico. Wow. So a lot of people are doing that. Now, a lot of the retirement community, everybody knows what's going on with inflation and the cost of living. A lot of the people that move to Las Vegas and Del Webb communities and retirement communities, they can't really afford to stay here anymore and retire here. So now here's a clear opportunity where they can go ahead and find a beautiful home by the beach that safe and secure and live off their equity that they have here. And also live in paradise. And

Unknown Speaker 15:37
that'd be another good question would be like, you know, what about food like restaurants or going out to eat or shop medical stuff? You know, stuff on like, like that? Is it fairly inexpensive?

Unknown Speaker 15:48
On on average, say, if you're on Fifth Avenue, the tourist areas, you're gonna be paying the same price that you're paying here in Vegas, right? However, four blocks away, you have the same restaurants and the cost is about half. That's

Unknown Speaker 16:00
why I walk when I'm in Mexico.

Unknown Speaker 16:03
Yes, yeah. So the cost of living, it would be at least half straight across the board on everything that you're going to be doing there, you're gonna have the tourist areas which are comparable, right, but just a few blocks away, you're back with the local,

Unknown Speaker 16:13
electrical, water, stuff like that

Unknown Speaker 16:15
all the infrastructure

Unknown Speaker 16:17
infrastructure in Playa Del Carmen is strong, because they've been around for a long time, they don't have any problems. So Cancun strong, also medida strong to loom they built very quickly, and it's in the jungle. So they're still kind of figuring that out. However, the builders I deal with have already have all the permits pulled, they're already juiced up, they've got the water lines. And that's what's critical, because there's a lot of developers that are building and when you take delivery, you don't have water, and you don't have power. And because they didn't do what they were supposed to do. So well with my builders, when you get your keys, you can move in that night.

Unknown Speaker 16:52
So if you're just tuning in again, and you're interested in speaking with none other than the Mexico guy, my friend Robert, he is all things in Mexico, if you're thinking about investing or even just being an expat moving to Mexico, he is your resource 702984 30 700-702-9430 700. I will get you in the hands of Mr. Robert. So let's go on. You gave you've given so much great information. I'm blown away with the prices, you said that there's fully furnished condos, five blocks away from the beach, as low as $110,000. Yes. And you do have a resell list, like my cousin pointed out as well. That you can can you like how does that work? Do you email people these how to if they want to look at this list?

Unknown Speaker 17:39
Everything basically is on a Google Drive. So if anybody's interested in every any portion of Mexico, you can say, Robert, can you get me information on public Carmen? Here's my budget. And this is what I'm looking for bed and baths. At that point, what I'll do is I'll send you the actual Developers Google Drive, which will have a brochure, it'll have the layouts, the floor plans, pricing, reservation feed deposits, it'll have everything on there. And I'm more than willing to get on the Zoom call with you to explain everything. Everything's in English and Spanish. And so basically, you'll have all the information at your fingertips and they do everything there. Not by email. Everything is on WhatsApp, including contract signings,

Unknown Speaker 18:18
but I know a lot of people might shy away from that, is that their only option? WhatsApp?

Unknown Speaker 18:22
No, we can traditionally go through email. Okay, but it's a lot quicker going through WhatsApp. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 18:27
well, that's really good to know. Wow, I'm just blown away with all this information. I

Unknown Speaker 18:32
get scared for WhatsApp, but it's when you have someone you know, in the middle that's kind of familiar with both sides of it, you know, he kind of helps take away that, that that anxiety.

Unknown Speaker 18:40
Right? And he's and like I said, he's a Licensed Real tour, you know, many countries, you do not have to be licensed to be a realtor.

Unknown Speaker 18:48
And I'll I'll basically talk more about that to 90% of the agents in Mexico are not licensed. Oh my god, yes. I'll repeat that they are not licensed. So most of the buyers are going on Google, looking at people that are saying the realtors in Mexico in Cancun and Playa Del Carmen, saying, hey, I can help you buy a property. And a lot of them are basically just asking you for money upfront as a realtor, which is not allowed to be done here in the United States. But they're doing it there and these people are losing that money and they never hear back from the imaginary realtor. So it's very important to deal with the realtor. I think I'm only one of a handful that are both licensed in the United States. And in Mexico.

Unknown Speaker 19:30
Is there anything else you want to let my listeners know?

Unknown Speaker 19:32
No, just that it is safe. We have a brand new airport opened in Toulouse Tulum International Airport, which is now taking all international flights. And also we have what's called the Mayan train, which also is functional, which is connecting all of Riviera Maya from down south by Belize, all the way up to Cancun all the way around to medi that and all the way back down to Belize, which now will cut your travel time if you're there vacationing in half,

Unknown Speaker 19:58
what's the travel time looking like? from like, somewhere in the United States,

Unknown Speaker 20:01
say, let's say for example, if you're a flight going to Cancun is going to direct flights gonna be about four hours, four and a half hours. Or if you have a simple layover, it's five and a half hours because you'll be laid over like in Dallas or Houston. But yeah, it's unbelievable. It's close by. touch a little bit about medical, sir, yes, you can get medical insurance in Mexico. It's about 12 or $1,300. A year, a lot less a year. Yes. Not a month, not a month. And also, they're building more and more state of the art hospitals in Riviera Maya to accommodate the tourism. Build

Unknown Speaker 20:37
a cabin in Minnesota where you can hop on a flight instead of driving for hours. You can fly for hours and be in Mexico. on water. Medical. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:45
And I will say I've been to Cancun multiple times. And the reason I never went to loom was because my brother told me it was like a two hour drive. So now with that train, how long will it take to get the to loan

Unknown Speaker 20:57
currently right now if you're in Cancun and you're driving to Tulum, it's going to be about a two and a half hour drive with the train that's going to be cut down to about 30 minutes.

Unknown Speaker 21:04
Oh my gosh, that's major. When is this train going to be completely functional

Unknown Speaker 21:07
right now. But it's in stages. It'll be completely functional with all the routes in place by the end of

Unknown Speaker 21:14
the year. Okay, you guys know that is the writing on the wall. Just like I tell you guys about Vegas. The writing's on the wall, we've got the Oakland A's coming. We've got the Raiders, you know Sony's breaking ground. We're about to make movies here in Vegas. The writing's on the wall.

Unknown Speaker 21:27
So Robert, let me ask you, I thought that you always had to have dual citizenship to be able to buy property in Mexico. Is that not true?

Unknown Speaker 21:33
No, not true at all. The reason you don't want dual citizenship there is you'll then become under the Mexican taxation laws. So we recommend that people don't get their dual citizenship, it's not mandatory, unnecessary. Some people will do it upon retirement, because they're not making any more income, and they're living off their income in Mexico, which will go a lot further. So in that case, you can get your dual citizenship, what some people do do is they'll get their residency, which you'll automatically will get when you purchase a property, it'll fast track you to get residency there. So you'll be a dual resident of the United States and Mexico. There you go.

Unknown Speaker 22:09
Well, they're that you know what, I'm just going to admit my ignorance. That's what I thought dual citizenship was, but there's such a thing as the rest of what I was wanting. I want to have Yeah, multiple. Okay, so you can be a resident of the United States and a resident of Mexico. Oh, that's awesome. What do you think tire? Why are we buying?

Unknown Speaker 22:28
Now get ready for our play? Wow.

Unknown Speaker 22:34
Awesome. All right. Well, we're gonna pivot a little bit. Thank you, again, Robert, for all the info and just hang out with us. And we might still have some more questions. But I want to introduce once again, my listeners. But before I do, if you're interested, 702984 3700, I will get you in the hands of Robert because I know a lot of you guys are fumbling in your car trying to find something to write that down with, don't worry. I say my number one more time at the end of the show. And you can go ahead and reach out. Or you can jump on my website. Welcome home with or IG is welcome. Oh, no, it isn't. It's real testimony began. But I will get you the hands of Mr. Robert, and he will take care of you with your Mexico needs. All right. And don't worry, you guys. He'll be coming back on again. But let's pivot families in town. I'm so excited. So I want to introduce you once again to my cousin, my first cousin tie Sr. and his firstborn tie, Jr. And yeah, they own a flooring company that does major, just mostly commercial, right? Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 23:31
started with residential but right now we currently do mostly commercial, we do residential too, because we're kind of you know, we like to take anything that gets in front of us and get it done, you know, and so that's kind of how we work but

Unknown Speaker 23:40
and I've seen your guys's social you know, I don't so they live out of state you guys this is my family from they live in Minnesota right now. But they're originally from Seattle like me, of course. So but um, yeah, I've seen all the the work that you've done online and all across the United States, tie SR and tie Jr. are putting their flooring in, throughout the whole United States. And so I feel so honored to have them even touch my little olabode When did you guys start the business?

Unknown Speaker 24:07
2012 We sold everything. We used to live in an apartment in Arizona. We sold everything and kind of moved to Arizona, Minnesota. And then we kind of just, you know, took my mom's tax turn check bottom tools. And that was kind of it. You know, that's

Unknown Speaker 24:20
a testimony. I love that. I love a good testimony. Hey, we keep it 100 On this show. Yeah, they've heard my testimony. And now I love it. I love it. But look what God's brought you right?

Unknown Speaker 24:30
Yeah, we've came a long way from riding on the bucket. That's where I started. I was actually like, 1112 years old, you know, you know, so it just started going work. Before school, sometimes I go to work after school and I'd work all summer. You know, when I was blessed to be able to learn the opportunity. You know, I could have took a lot of time and went out and, you know, hung out with friends and party but I went and worked to learn to trade you know, and that gave me a big leap ahead by the time everybody else graduated, you know, and finished high school and stuff like that. I was already a couple years into my trade with experience and that that was a big blessing alone right there.

Unknown Speaker 24:59
Yeah. So you guys are hearing this is my baby because and y'all, you know, you don't hear too many 26 years old like this, but that builds character. You know, you're like, hey, I skipped out on summers, and I was working. And now your life is truly blessed, and you have a skill that nobody can ever take away from you 100% and amazing

Unknown Speaker 25:15
for that skill, and I believe trades are big, you know, I know a lot of we're really tech crazy right now. But everyone should learn a trade because it's something you can always eat off of, you know, that's absolutely I

Unknown Speaker 25:25
agree. That's another big part of what we do as a company, we help disadvantaged kids. Yes, you do. You know, we that's the most rewarding part, you know, is being able to help them and show them a trade so that they can you know, it's a tool in their toolbox where they can go out and eat now, you know, absolutely. In a positive way. Yes. And that's, that's just the biggest and most rewarding part of it. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:46
so I'm just gonna jump in real quick. We only have a couple minutes. But I will say this, I have witnessed my cousin and his beautiful wife do exactly that, you know, show love to children that are not there as bringing them into their own home and teaching them this trade. And that's why God has truly I told you that the other day, God truly blessed you, because you're blessing others and your worker that you had at my house? Well, you, you didn't call him your worker, you call him my son. Yeah, one of my sons, and I love that.

Unknown Speaker 26:13
There's like, 50 of them. Yes. And he

Unknown Speaker 26:14
told me, he said, you know, Monique, I was working at a gas station and your cousin, you know, he brought me into his family. He wasn't I just, I, I love him so much. And I'll always be true to him. And he said in another thing, I'll always have this skill, no matter what in life. So, guys, I just want you to know, I'm so grateful. So Robert, I just bought a home. It's a beautiful home. But it's it's a used home. It's a resale, but I like it that way. I like to make things my own, you know. So, as soon as I told my cousin, hey, I got the keys in my house, you know, I got these big old 90s tile in here. I don't like I'm just talking to him. Next thing you know, I wake up, there's like five guys on my door 8am. And they're ripping up the tile for me. So you know, your blessings come in all different types of ways. Sometimes they're not cash, you know what I mean? But God blesses us in so many different kinds of ways. So he blessed me with having cousins and family that is actually willing to turn around and help me out. You know what I mean? So I'm so grateful for that.

Unknown Speaker 27:11
The fun part is you get to pick everything, you know, all the colors. Yeah, that's a great thing about buying a new home, you know, or even a slightly used home, you know, you you get to put your own personal touches on it. That's the first that's the best part of moving in, you know, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:23
So tell you if there's companies that are hearing right now, if they want to get a hold of you guys, can you shout out your company, because Oh, stone,

Unknown Speaker 27:30
stone, tile and stone. We also do you know, we do carpet, tile, anything, we do any type flooring, but it's always tile and stone with any job, you got any size, it can be from 1000 square feet, it could be two to 300,000 square feet, we can get it done and we got the manpower to back it. We take very pride in our work and all of our guys, like I said, we're family business, and it bled through all of our guys, you know. And so we take very pride in our work. And I think

Unknown Speaker 27:52
that you also need to start a nonprofit. You know what I mean? And we got to talk about that time. Yes. You know what I mean? Yeah, into it. I agree. Yes. Because you guys are doing a beautiful thing by helping young men out, or women young girls, but mainly men. I mean, you guys, okay? So that's what I'm saying. So you guys are out there, changing your communities. And I just want to say thank you so much, not only for what you're doing for me, but what you do for these kids. You know, teaching them that trade, something like you said, Tai Jr. They can eat, always

Unknown Speaker 28:23
teach amount of fish and they can always eat there.

Unknown Speaker 28:26
You know, the biggest thing with jabian 26. But he's got a few homes going himself. Yes, he does. A lot of other things going to be in 26 to be able to help all those other young guys. His patience is just above all, you know, you gotta have great patience, you know, because they can they can run them, run them around, you know, and yeah, just in he's always in there teaching them and just, you know, never yells at him. Never. None of that just always has patience. Well,

Unknown Speaker 28:49
I guess, uh, you know, it's in our family. You guys are Hardison. It's just like, what? Not to bring it back. But our heart is in this right. So when you do what you love, it's like you're not working right? Yes. And you're helping others. So that's awesome. Thank you guys all for coming on. Thank you. I

Unknown Speaker 29:03
appreciate the opportunity. Yeah. And if you want to get some floor and stone one more time, you want to get some tile it's always tile and stone.

Unknown Speaker 29:11
Thank you always is that the name always towels. I love it. That's easy to do always towel and stone and your guys's website is always styled is as easy as 123 and if you're trying to get a hold of Robert 702-984-3700 until I hear from each and every one of you have a blessed weekend. Love y'all. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate. My license number is S 1788 46. My phone number if you'd like to contact me is 702-984-3700. You can also find me on YouTube and please join me tomorrow at my church Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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