Listing Your Property? Top Tips Revealed!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program.

Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You see me?

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen, I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, good morning Las Vegas. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show, I forgot what my shows name was for a minute there. Anyways, I hope that you're often amazing morning, I've got something new I want to start doing you guys. All of you guys pretty much know that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a Christian, I am not perfect, and I do not judge people. But I'm doing my best to follow who blesses me every day. My Savior Jesus Christ. So I've decided I want to start my shows off with a quick scripture. Let's you know, let's get the day going right in a good direction. So let's start that off today with John 1613 NIV version. Here's our first morning scripture. But when he the spirit of the truth comes He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own. He will only speak what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come. So I don't know who needed to hear that quick scripture this morning. But I pray that it blesses you. And now that we got the scripture of the day covered, let's go ahead and jump into the show. So once again, I am Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. I have been in real estate full time for over eight years. Okay. I'd like to do give out a couple of shots out in a couple congrats and you know, and let you guys know what's going on. You know, a lot is going on. We've got people closing on their homes. I'm so excited for them. We have my sellers, hey, closing on their properties. We've sold those properties for top dollar quickly. They're happy, they're getting their their wires, and they're calling me thank you so much, Monique, you know, you made that process super smooth for us and easy. You know any of the hurdles that come up, I jump over those hurdles for them and help get them to the finish line. So congratulations to Mr. Creighton. He is one of our key UMB veterans. He called me about two weeks ago and he has been approved and he said you know what, Monique, I think I want to go to Pahrump or you've talked about prom. I know that with my approval amount. I can get home out there and Pahrump. So we have been sending him listings, me and my team and we're gonna take him out. Go ahead and get him into escrow right there for him. So congratulations, Mr. Creighton. All right. And then guys, I have a special shout out. All right to one of my very dear friends. He's actually you in LV alumni. Many of you guys may remember Mr. Jermaine, Sunshine Smith. He was one of Turks picks. You guys remember Tark? Right? The basketball coach for UNLV. So Jermaine, Sunshine Smith played for UNLV, around 1993 through 1997. He's a very dear friend of mine, and he called me and said, Monique, I'm ready. Because you know, I'm all I'm always all over my friends. Listen, you're paying $3,000 a month in rent. You know, don't you call me again, for a rental. You can't be driving a Land Rover and have a landlord. No, no, no. So he called me up and said Mo, let's do it. So I want to give him and his beautiful family. Jermaine is actually a twin himself. And he's got a pair of twins. He also has, I think he's got a grand total of about five beautiful babies with his beautiful wife. And they are just so happy that they just went into escrow. Congratulations, Mr. Sunshine Smith, and your beautiful family. So that was really near and dear to me. I'm so happy for them. We have a couple of new listings coming up as well. A lot of people have been reaching out, you know, they, you know, that have been thinking about listing their properties. They've been reaching out, Monique, I'm ready. And I know you'll be honest with me. So I appreciate their trust in you know, trusting me with listing their properties, getting them sold, negotiating for my sellers, like always breaking records in the neighborhood. You know, I just give God the honor and glory and I'm so thankful that he put me in this position to be able to help people and do what I love at the same time. And you know, so anyways, congratulations to my sellers. We've closed about three of my listings, on average, each one of them listings were on the market for less than a week. You heard me right, less than a week and we got those bad boys right on into escrow and they just closed Okay, so here's the thing you guys

Unknown Speaker 5:15
my listings tend to get quite a bit of traction and there I mean it's no secret that I have this platform this beautiful platform called K u and v with my listeners my beautiful listeners who when they listen they tell their family Hey Monique got a listing I think you might be interested in Here's the address you know, you can take a look and see what it's you know looking like but I have a couple of new listings coming up. Okay one of them were both of them are single stories. Okay. Single Story properties. They're both just under 1500 square feet. One is going for around 435 That one has a pool and was completely remodeled. Okay no HOA. Like I said it has a pool been completely remodeled, remodeled kitchen remodeled floors paint 435,000 It is within two minutes from the freeway okay. And about four minutes from Summerlin without the Summerlin you know BS HOAs and you know everything else but you get all the amenities of Summerlin, the shopping you know the restaurants, but yet that price for 35 is not a Summerlin price, especially with the pool so that that address is 508 sportsman. Once again five await sportsmen and that when I already have in coming soon status, I'm waiting to get professional pictures which I always do with each one of my listings and that comes out of my pocket, by the way. So I make sure that your property has professional pictures always. Now if you want me to go coming soon status just you know get the business going. Before we even go live on the market, we can do that as well. So that's what we did. 508 sports men, that one does have a pool. Now the other one is oh, by the way, the the the cross streets for that was rainbow in Washington. Now the cross streets for this single storey. corner lot backyard. This one is on Wait rainbow in eastern Okay, so not too far from Cashman field. And this one we're listing at $350,000 It even has a bonus room in the back. Okay, aka sunroom bonus room, whatever you want to make that room a pool table room. So yeah, that one is also by the way, both of these are 323 bedroom, two bathrooms. That one's going for 350. Okay, that one is also in coming soon. status right now. 1200 Bong, V. A you GHNBAUGH In St. So 1200 Vaughn. Okay, so let's go ahead and go back into the show, like I was talking to you guys about, you know, these listings, I know that a lot of times people shrink back from listing a property of a put it off, because maybe there's a lot going on with the property. I understand I get it, you know, I've listed many properties. And so I understand that, you know, the hesitation or the anxiety that might come with a property that you already know, has quite a bit going on. In other words, maybe it has a lot of junk that you need to remove, you know, maybe it's, you know, it was, you know, big momma's house, or, you know, where she left a lot of stuff in there. And she lived there for 40 years. And, you know, you go over there and look around, like, Oh, my goodness, where do I start? Right? Well, that's what we're here for. That is what I'm here for. I come over, and I will give you advice and walk you through how we can, you know, get this ball rolling, and where it won't cost you an arm and leg out of your pocket. Because sometimes people don't have the funds up front to take care of the type of things I don't know if you've checked into junk removal, but it's not cheap. Okay. Now, the good news is, I have those resources, and the majority of my team will allow you to pay them at escrow. In other words, hey, we'll go ahead and take care of, you know, all these issues you have, maybe you've got leaks under the sink, or you know, you need a new air conditioning unit or whatever the issue is pool issues, whatever the issue is, you know that there's some work that has to be done, and you're thinking you need to get it done before you list the property. But I'm here to tell you that me and my team can assist in help you get that property list ready, without you shelling out 1000s of dollars upfront. Okay, so that'll take a lot of that anxiety off of your plate. If you're just tuning in. My name is Monique Buchanan. I am your local Las Vegas realtor. You know, I gotta stop saying that. I gotta stop saying that because honestly, I am your realtor that covers 24 countries and nation ride. So if you have anybody that's looking To buy sell in all our beautiful states, I can cover you and get you in the hands of one of my team members that can assist and make sure that you're taking care of as well as 24 countries. Okay. I had a listing in Colombia. So yes, we can help you if you're thinking about being an expat, relocating even to Panama, okay, wherever you want to relocate. So, we're talking about listing your property. But let me go ahead and tell you my number if you have any questions. 702984 3700 If you're thinking about listing your property, or purchasing a property, or just like I said, Have questions 702984 3700. and my website is welcome home with You can also check out my Instagram realtor, Monique Buchanan, b, u C, H, A n a n and www, welcome home with once again is my website. So if you're thinking about listing and you know, it's just overwhelming, you're like, Oh, my goodness, where do I start, I'm here to tell you that that's what we do, I will come check out the property with you walk, walk through it with you be completely honest with you. And guess what, I have the resources to help you get it list ready or pay, I have cash buyers, that I can say, hey, this is just too much for you. Or maybe there's a bunch of family involved. And you're like, listen, we just need to get it sold. So I will be your resource to go over all your options, and you will let me know which one makes sense for you and your family and how you'd like to move forward. But I just want people to know that. Because I know that a lot of people, you know, they're looking around their house, and they're like, Oh, my goodness, I've been meaning to paint, paint those banisters forever, you know, or my goodness, my flooring is, you know, five different colors. You know, if you don't want to fix those things, then we can just, you know, adjust the price to reflect that. Or we can give a credit to the buyer, hey, I know that I never got this stuff fixed. You know, we can offer a credit. So there's ways to do things without having you all stressed out. Thinking that you've got this laundry list of things that need to be completed before you give me a call to list your property. I'm here to tell you that no, we can go over all options. And I'll take that stress off your shoulders. Okay. So another thing, another thing that I want to talk to you guys about, when it comes to listing properties, you want to make sure that you have a professional Realtor that is able to negotiate for you and on your behalf. Okay, now, there are over 15,000 realtors in our city. All right, and, you know, hats off to my colleagues, I love you guys, but I gotta, you know, speak the truth. I would say around 85% to 90 of them are, you know, doing this not full time, but maybe as a part time thing, you know what I mean? So they're not in the market full time. And that can affect, you know, your expertise, it can affect your your ability to negotiate, because you have to be in the market constantly, because it changes so quickly. So if you're not in that market constantly, as a full time realtor like myself, the market changes in an instant. So maybe when you last did a deal, maybe it was a month ago, maybe it was two weeks ago. Okay. But when you were in that deal, you know, a month ago or so, you know, at that time, you know, sellers were giving out closing costs, because that's the market we were in. But hey, it's been a while since you closed the deal. Now you're representing your friend, you know, you do it part time you're not, you know, so that affects the seller, because if you're not in the know of what exact market is going on today, then you can make a mistake of giving away closing costs when we're in fact we're not in a market that's doing that right now. Because that's just how quickly the market changes. So that's why I say listen, it is imperative to have a realtor that is in the market. And I mean regularly. Okay, because it does change quickly. And that will could potentially cost you quite a bit of money if you do not. So needless to say, I have been a full time realtor for over eight years in the market. This is all I do. Since I've gotten my license. I love what I do. I love helping my sellers. I love helping buyers, but I am in the market constantly. And because I do know how to help buyers. This has also given me the ability to negotiate even that much better, because of my knowledge of lending. As you guys hear me talk about all the time because of my knowledge of the downpayment assistance programs, because I have access because of this platform. To the vice president one of the vice presidents of guaranteed rate you guys have heard him many times. come on my show. Mr. Mr. Anthony is where I call him. But because Anthony is on my team, and he has 450 lenders under him over 20 years of age. variance. This plays a major part when I'm listing a property. Well, Mike, how does that make? How does that benefit a seller? by you? And Anthony being a team? Well, I'll tell you how. As when, when I'm representing my seller, I need to make sure because there are 15,000 Realtors doing this, a lot of them during this part time. Okay, so when they bring me a buyer, okay, I don't know whose lender they used, you know what I mean? So in many cases, he's not a VP of guaranteed rate, right? So with that being said, I don't know who they're coming with. I don't know what what lender This is. And that's a major thing, because I need to be able to vet out this buyer on behalf of my seller to make sure that I'm not accepting an offer from a lender that has not done their due diligence. Okay? Hey, it is what it is. That happens all the time. So I know the questions to ask. And then if I'm still a little leery, I'll bring Anthony on and have him that that buyer and make sure that everything that needed to happen to make sure this is a viable buyer, that can finish make it all the way to the finish line, not waste my sellers time by being off the market, and their home being off the market for three weeks. And then Oh, oops, up, all of a sudden, the buyer can't buy anymore. This happens, guys. Okay, so I'm not trying to bash any of my colleagues I love we all work hard part time and full time, okay, we all work hard. But I'm just being completely honest, this happens all the time. So if you accept a buyer's offer, and then at the last minute, they have to back out, because their lender forgot to, you know, check the IRS to see if they had actually submitted their, their their tax returns, you know, or, or whatever, check, actually check their income and make sure that it's on the up and up, then this is the stuff that happens all the time. But that's going to hurt my seller. Okay, so I've had it happen many times, where the buyer's agent calls me and says, I'm so sorry, you know, we're not gonna be able to move forward. And I say, you know, wait a minute, you know, what I mean? What's going on? There's all kinds of stuff that can happen. So that's why I've started bringing Anthony in. And he makes sure that we don't have these issues. And if it does happen, Anthony, then we'll take their file and look at it. And let me tell you something, if a file can make it to the closing table, Anthony, we'll see how to get there. And we get to the closing table. In other words, now, I take their buyer and tell them, hey, listen, have your buyer call my guy and see if my guy who was a VP with 400 agents under him, if he can go ahead and get them to the closing table, and let me tell you something he does, he gets them to the closing table, the previous lender missed a way that it can happen, he gets it done. So that's imperative for sellers to know, you have got to have an agent that has those kinds of resources, and that those kinds, you know, team members in Play team members that can charge you at escrow. So in other words, Mr. Seller, it looks like you need about, you're telling me you need about $3,000 worth of work before you're ready to list the home. Well, guess what, no worries, my team is going to take care of that. You can just pay my team back after you sell the property. So you don't have to be stressed out. You know, trying to come up with this money to get the home ready to sell. That way. After you've secured your whatever your proceeds are, you can then pay my team members, whether that be the handyman, the air conditioning guy, whoever, the junk removal guy, you can pay them out of escrow, so that way you're not stressed out. Okay, take some of that stress off of your shoulders. And also Mr. Seller, I have Anthony, one of the vice presidents of lending company guaranteed, right? That's going to be helping me to vet the buyers for your property to make sure that they actually are able to cross that finish line. That is crucial. And not to mention, Mr. Seller, me and my team also have this platform besides syndicating you on Zillow, Trulia, you know,, wherever, all those platforms which every realtor can do, you know, there's unique properties out there that are pretty, you know, tougher an average realtor to sell. But with this platform, and all the things that I'm telling you about, I say that humbly, but at the same time, it's it's the truth. So you know, and I'm grateful for it and I my sellers are grateful for it. So anyway, so let's jump on into the other portion of my show today. So now that I've spoken to my sellers and my potential sellers that are thinking about listing their property, if they're interested 70298437007029843700 Welcome home with and you can reach me also IG is Monique Buchanan, realtor Monique Buchanan. So let's pivot on to my buyers guys. Guess what? A lot of buyers buyers are now using the downpayment assistant programs, okay? Because it's no secret that the feds have announced that they're going to be lowering these rates. And we all know it's a election year, so it's coming, right, we can all agree to that the, the rates will be coming down. So instead of waiting on them sitting on our hands, jumping in the pool with everybody else at the same time, because we all know, you know, as soon as the rates come down, the prices will go, were straight up, why not? Let me and my team go ahead and get you into a property now and have the ability to negotiate, you know, money from the seller, and or the builder towards your fees. Okay, that's what's happening. So I got a lot of savvy buyers right now. And they're saying, you know, what, Monique, let's go ahead and do the downpayment assistance programs, you know, because they're very comparable to the today's rate, they've come back around, they've changed them. I'm so happy. That's why you didn't hear me talking about them. Because for a while there, the rates were just even higher than the regular rate. So I was like, oh, no, that doesn't make sense. So now, they're pretty comparable to what the current rates are anyway. So why not have zero down? Right? All right. So zero down, you don't pay your down payment, it is gifted to you, you can choose to hit pay it back if you want. All right, or there is a program where you do not have to pay it back. You do need a 640 credit score or higher, you must be on any job just employed for two years. Okay. So if you had a job and you quit, and you went to another job that you know, as long as there wasn't a huge gap in between those jobs, you should be fine. All right. Now remember, this is for your primary residence, this is not for you to start building your investment portfolio. Okay. So if you own a home, maybe out of state, that's fine. We have a grant for that as well. But if you own a home here in the city or in the state, I believe it has to be so many miles away. But that is something for Mr. Anthony to talk to you about. But you don't have to be a first time homebuyer is my point. All right. If you are a first time homebuyer, that just means that you have been renting a house for the last three years. So that's the rules. Guys, if you've been renting a house for the last three years, you're considered a first time homebuyer, you are able to put down as little as 3.5% that is a myth that you have to put 20% down, that is not true. If you're a first time homebuyer, you only have to put down 3.5% If you own a home and you want to buy or upscale your home or downsize, then yes, you can go ahead and rent out your house and put Yes, once again 3% down. So the only time you pretty much have to put 20% down guys is if it is a straight up investment property. You know, when you're buying it, you're just gonna rent it out. You don't plan on living in it. It's not going to be your primary residence at all, then yes, that's when we say okay, you're gonna have to have about 20% down. All right, so there's that. So let's just recap. 640 or 640 credit score or higher, two years on the job. It must be your primary residence. This is a statewide program. So if you're like, well, Monique, I'm thinking about moving to Reno. Don't worry, Manuel's got you covered. Okay. Yes, and you will have a 30 year fixed interest rate, there's no up down and all around, we're not doing that you will get up to 4% which means if your downpayment is only 3.5% point 5% of that will go towards your closing costs. But hey, you know, me and my team, but remember what I said markets change and I mean quick. So once again, my number is 702984 3700. If you're just tuning in, this is Monique McCann and I was going over downpayment, assistant programs, zero down for the purchase of your property. If you have student debt, please, please, please do not give up. Just because one lender in the past told you no, do not give up that was not my lender. Okay? So it's a five minute conversation. I have quite a few people call me with student debt that were told they could not purchase or they were approved for such a ridiculously low amount. They just gave up. Please don't give up. You did you know you went out there got your education, you should not be punished. There's been some rule changes recently as well. So do not give up 702984 3700 So another thing is my veterans zero down like Miss You know, Mr. Creighton, he's excited, I'm excited. And I like I told him that's my job when I'm representing my buyers. Hey, I flipped the coin. I'm on the other side. Now I'm going to make sure to get them the best deal possible because I know how to negotiate that. I know how to make that rapport with the listing agent because I am a listing agent. So I know how to you know, get my buyers the best deal possible. And then when I'm representing my sellers, guess what? I flip on over again.

Unknown Speaker 24:57
I know how to walk that new buyer Agent or that part time buyer's agent, through putting their deal together where it makes sense for my seller, but also helps their buyer. So if they tell me, Monique, my buyer needs closing costs? Well, that's no shock, right? Okay, well, here's what you do. I'm gonna walk you through how to wrap that closing costs or just up the price of the home, so that your buyer will only end up paying $15 more on their mortgage, but they'll be able to get their closing costs that they need, without my seller having to come out of their pocket with it. Listen, guys. I told you, I know what I'm doing. So these are the things that matter. This is what's gonna put more money in my sellers pocket, but at the same time, help the buyer out without, you know, making them come out of their pocket. A crazy amount. So listen, I train agents. And if you are an agent out there listening to me, you know, listen, our jobs really matter. We really, really, nobody knows how much we do for our clients, buyer's agents and set and listing agents we go above and beyond, we're answering the phone calls, you know, all times of the day and night, making sure things are getting done so that our clients can have their home, you know, dream their dream of their homeownership happen for them. So if you are an agent that's been thinking about switching brokerages, or if you need mentorship, that is something that I do provide as well. I am with exp brokerage, there is a ton of training like I can't even get into it. I'm gonna start having people come on to talk about that for agents that are listening because it's it's changed my whole career. The knowledge that they drop on their agents is unbelievable, you know, so it'll, you know, help you get there where you're able to just negotiate the best deals for your clients as well. So if you're interested in switching brokerages, or you've been thinking about, you know, having someone help you 702984 3700 Then I was a shout out to my, my realtor partners out there that are listening. But anyways, guys, like I said, once these rates do drop, it's going to be crazy. I think we all kind of know that. We know everybody's going to be jumping into the pool, because guess what, the demand is still there. But we do not have a lot of inventory. Sure, there might be a little bit more inventory that jumps, you know, that comes onto the market, but not enough to I don't think it's gonna be enough to suffice the demand at all, not one bit, not here in Las Vegas. So remember, when you're on YouTube listening to people, you have to remember what market are they in what city are then not every city is the same. But I do know the whole country is in a shortage of housing. Okay? Don't sit on your property, you know, because one thing about it is, if you do sit on the property, you will get multiple offers more than likely, but it's gonna cost you every day that you keep that property off the market. Is it really going to make sense after you do the numbers of continuing to pay the mortgage, continuing to pay all the fees? Is it really going to make sense when we can go ahead and get you viable buyer and get you close and on your way to your next investment, or whatever it is that you want to do with your property. So I'm here to help. My name is Monique Buchanan. I am your local Las Vegas. I let me stop. I am your nationwide and 24 country realtor, and I'm here to assist you. So thank you for listening to the show. I appreciate each and every one of you, especially shots out to Miss Cheryl Brewster, one of my past clients. I just love her and her husband. Thank you so much for trusting me and I look forward to hearing from you soon. God bless Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate my license number is S 1788 46. My phone number if you'd like to contact me is 702-984-3700. You can also find me on YouTube and please join me tomorrow at my church Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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Listing Your Property? Top Tips Revealed!
Broadcast by