The Rates Have Come Down!! What Does This Mean for You?

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The

Unknown Speaker 0:03
content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. I know

Unknown Speaker 0:16
you see me on the radio, but you still don't pay

Unknown Speaker 0:27
me. No Good morning. This is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen. I want to thank you for tuning in. Well, happy Saturday. Everybody out there in K, U, M, B, listener land, good morning, you guys. I hope you're having a great morning. It is Monique Buchanan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show, where we talk all things real estate and then some listen. If you have an interest in purchasing property, you know, any kind of property at all in all 50 states. My lender is licensed in all 50 states. He is also one of the vice presidents of none other than guaranteed rate. So he's at the top of his game and has under no over, I'm sorry, 450 lenders under him. So you're going to get the best with, you know, with the best when you when you deal with me and my team, speaking of team, I've got Miss Becky coynes, Becky, where were you raised up at? Anyway? Right here in Las Vegas, that's right. So you know what, guys I've never did a formal introduction to my partner, Becky Coyne, she has joined the welcome home team. You guys heard me last week. Talk about that, we are expanding our team. We are welcoming fellow agents out there that are looking for a place to go where they can get some hand holding. Okay, maybe you're newer, maybe you're trying to figure this all out. You know, I don't mind holding your hand and walking you through it, right, right? Becky, no, because we're hands on people, right? I feel like I learned, yeah, I was blessed enough when I started that my mentor sat me down in his chair. He had over 20 years of experience. He's one of the top Realtors here in the state, and I was blessed enough that he's made me do all of his work. And I say that was a blessing, because I learned so you do it hands on, hands on, right? All the issues and problems that came up, I watched how he navigated those waters. I learned from his 20 years experience, and that was 10 years ago, you know what I mean? So now I just want to play it forward and welcome any other agents that are out there like, man, what can I do to help my clients in the best way possible? You know, because we all want to do the best for our clients, right, like and I'll only take on people that I feel are aligned with me and my values, to be honest with you. And that's why UK has to be a good fit. It has to be a good fit. You know, not everybody's for everybody. Heck, there's some people out there that when they hear this show, come on, they might whoop click it right off. Because I might. Maybe my husband says my laugh is crazy because I'm always cackling. So don't worry, I love you anyway, even if you can't stand my laugh. But no, seriously, So Becky, you want to tell them a little bit about you just so you know, Becky went to real estate school with me almost a decade ago. So what made you want to get into real estate?

Unknown Speaker 3:19
Becky, obviously, my experience, probably more than anything. I've always been fascinated with real estate, but when my husband and I decided to do our first little step into our real estate venture, it wasn't exactly smooth sailing, and it was a little questionable, as I learned after the fact, after

Unknown Speaker 3:38
the fact, right, right? I had the same experience. And so that is what that's something that also motivate, motivated me. You knew me, in fact, you guys, we share at the same realtor, so, you know, and God bless his heart. You know what I mean, but, but, you know, I know that everything happens for a reason. At the time, I was devastated. I had put in over, I think, 30 offers and we didn't get one accepted. Yeah, I don't know if I shared that with you, but anyway, so I was heartbroken because I was a single mother at the time, and I want to desperately wanted to get a home for my daughter and myself. And you know, God shut that door, but he shut it for a reason. Now, you know, I can see why he shut that door, because it put the fire under my butt to help others out there that are in similar situations where, you know, maybe they've been told no, that they can't get approved for a home loan, and they gave up. You know, that I'm dealing that right now with one of my closest friends, right? Absolutely, that's right. So he was told no, and she did not give up, because you got until you got in her ear and said, Listen, you're gonna deal with our team lender, Anthony. That's right before you give up. Because if Anthony, he for one, he'll never say no, but he'll say Not right now, and this is what I want you to do so that we can get to that. Yes, that's why I align myself with him, because once again, our team values are there, you know what I mean. So we're here to help. Help. But anyway, so she so tell just a little little bit about your best friend.

Unknown Speaker 5:06
They were, they're renting a house, like a lot of people you know, didn't necessarily think that they were gonna buy. And she called me up and asked if I could help her with a rental. And I said, Is this really what you want to do? I will more than happily help you find a rental. But why don't you kind of just have a talk with my lender, just a conversation, and she said, Well, we want to buy, but I don't think we can.

Unknown Speaker 5:26
Why does she not think we could? They could. A lot of it,

Unknown Speaker 5:30
I think had to do with her

Unknown Speaker 5:32
credit. She spoke to a different lender too, though, right? Oh, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 5:35
and that lender was not very kind, and basically, kind of slammed the door on her, and she

Unknown Speaker 5:40
was not a slam dunk deal. And unfortunately, that happens a lot, you know what I mean. And not all lenders are like that. Obviously, there's some amazing lenders out there. So Shouts out to my lenders, but there are some just like with anything. There's 15,000 realtors, and the majority, 95% of them do it as a side hustle. So they're not like us full time, just going through the motion. And they're just like exactly so not to, not to slam them either. But some of them do take pride in what they do. You know what I mean. But at the same token, if you're not doing this 20, you know, full time, then you're not going to have the same experiences, right? You're not going to have the same amount of knowledge as somebody that is out there, boots on the ground, full time. And with the lenders, you've got some, a lot of them are side, you know, part time lenders. They're just looking for the slam dunk deals where you've got over a 750 credit score, you're making great money. That's what they want. If you have any kind of little hurdles to jump over there, they don't want to handle it. They're just sorry we can't approve too much money next you know what I mean? And it's so sad, because there's so many people that maybe just had student loan debt that the lender didn't know how to handle, didn't know, you know how to, you know, navigate through those waters, so they just said, You're not approved. Next our tipped employees, tipped employees. That's another good one, because me and you both used to be tipped employees. So it is so imperative that people understand, don't take no for an answer. She had pretty much given up and told you, Hey, let's go look at rentals. You told her, there is no way we're gonna see if you can buy a home. And so you got her with Anthony. What happened?

Unknown Speaker 7:10
He gave her their path, which ended up being shorter than she expected, and they are on their way to being homeowners, very closing soon.

Unknown Speaker 7:19
That's right, you guys, you hear that. So she was done. She was like, they, you know, they made good money, but I think the credit wasn't quite where it needed to be. And then there were some other issues that the lender said. The previous lender said no to his tipped employee, because she was tipped employee. So Anthony knows all of that, right? He knows how to put it all together and and get it to the get it to the closing table. And so now your best friend will becoming, will be becoming a homeowner at the end of this month, because you shared that information with her.

Unknown Speaker 7:50

Unknown Speaker 7:51
what a blessing. What a blessing that is. That's why I love what we do. I know Same, same. You know, you give them keys when they thought they couldn't get a home. And it just feels it's huge. So good it is. It's a big deal. It is. So if you're just tuning in, this is Monique Buchanan and my partner, Becky coins, and we are the Welcome Home Team. There's other members that are too scared to get on this show with me, but anyways, we love them too. And, um, we're just on this show, and this the show is basically you guys, for the whole community, to just give you guys insight on what the Las Vegas market looks like, but you know other markets as well. I I can assist you, and we can assist you in all 50 states and in 24 countries. Okay, so keep that in mind if you're moving anywhere. You know you can, you can give us a call, and we can assist you. Guys. 702-984-3700, 7029843. 02984, 3700, welcome home with Is my website. You can check it out search for homes. You can go on there and see how much your current home is worth. If you wanted me and one of my clients, clients colleagues, to come over and take a look and you know, just walk you through what you can do to get that home ready to list. We can do that as well. Of course, all you know free of charge. We're not going to charge you to come on over and just talk to you, answer your questions, take a look at the property and give you insight. So let's jump on into today's topic, which is all of you out there that have been sitting on your hands. The rates have come down. You guys. Ta da. Here we go. Here we go. The floodgates are about to open. In fact, they've already, my phone's already ringing up, right? Becky, yours as well.

Unknown Speaker 9:28
Oh yes. Hey, the

Unknown Speaker 9:29
rates are down. The rates are down. They're already, Hey, get me with Anthony, get me, you know, and it's a good thing. It's a good thing. But I feel like right now is a sweet spot, because the floodgates have they're like, slowly opening, but once they're at full throttle, honey, oh my goodness, it's gonna be 2019 again. Those are kind of come off. Wheels are gonna come off. So, just so you know, over the last 90 days, we have went from a 7.5% rate to today's. Rates are in the mid fives, around 5.6 according to. Mr. Anthony, okay. I talked to him this morning, and that's where the rates are today. Now he did advise that they're going to trickle down slowly. He thinks we may see the fours, but not until about a year, a year and a half down the road, because they're going to go much slower. Is that's his you know, that's his prediction, so, and he's been right with everything. You know thus far, the Fed's met, the rates being lowered, so we're down to around 5.6 currently. Okay, so what does that mean? You know what that means, you guys, that means that a lot of people are gonna get off their hands and start reaching out, 702984, 3700, to go ahead and get that buying process going, because now, for instance, me and Mia and Becky have a client. He's actually a caveman listener. And he said, Listen, I'm only gonna buy if I'm Zero out of pocket.

Unknown Speaker 10:54
He was very adamant, very adamant, zero out of pocket,

Unknown Speaker 10:58
right, right? And I love that about him. He I love that he was a straight she's he is a straight shooter. Yes, I appreciate that. Doesn't bother me one bit.

Unknown Speaker 11:06
He said, fun. Yeah, he's

Unknown Speaker 11:07
he's fun, he's sweet. He says, Monique, I heard you and Anthony. And Anthony says that he can get me a house Zero out of pocket. I said, well, listen, honey. He said that that's what we're gonna do. And he's absolutely right. Well, nope, let me be completely honest. I'm so sorry. He's gonna be, Anthony told me he's gonna be $17.45 out of pocket. Look out. So I'm gonna have to get on Anthony about that. Now that's just too much. No. But you know what, guys, the way that he's doing this is the down payment assistance grants that we have. We have multiple Down Payment Assistance Grants where you, you know, get zero down, and some of them give you some money towards your closing cost. So with that being said, this person is utilizing one of those grants. He's buying a $405,000 property, no HOA corner lot, right? Becky, oh, yeah, we negotiated the deal for him. Okay, he's going to get the seller to pay his closing costs. I negotiated that. And now with that being said, the grant is going to take care of his down payment, and that is why he is going to purchase a house with me and Becky and his out of pocket cost is going to be, how much? Again,

Unknown Speaker 12:18

Unknown Speaker 12:22
look out there goes that laugh. Y'all better not turn me off. I can't help that laugh now, no, but you guys, I just love it. It makes my heart happy. Okay, yeah, his payment per month on a $405,000 home is going to be around $2,800, a month, which he was right now. He I don't know if I know plenty of people are renting right now for an apartment for 2400 Yeah, and they're not getting a penny back. Nope. That's not an investment. It's not going to grow. They can't leave that money to their kids. They can't leave that property to their kids. They're paying for somebody else's profits. That's right. And they can be told that they have to move within 30 days after their lease is up, or, because Nevada has no rent cap, they they can have their rent raised, you know, 234, $500 at the end of their lease, if their landlord so chooses. That's been happening a lot. It sure has been. Do you remember it was all over the news? Oh, yeah, yeah. So this is a real thing, guys, you can look it up. There is no rent cap in Nevada. So you I had a girlfriend that was, you know, Alicia. Oh yeah, yeah. She was on her birthday trip, and she got a notice in the email that said, Hey, we decided to sell the house. He got 30 days to move.

Unknown Speaker 13:31
Happens, right? Oh, yeah, that happened to us. Oh, did it happen to you guys as well? Twice? That's why we decided to go on to our home buying venture. I know that's right, after that second time? Nope,

Unknown Speaker 13:42
yeah. How unsettling is that for you to be comfortable in your home, and now you've got to pick up and

Unknown Speaker 13:47
move. I had three kids and you have dressed out. Oh my gosh, no. So

Unknown Speaker 13:52
here's the thing, you guys hear me say it all the time, when you are renting, you are making zero profit. You're paying 100% interest rate because you're not getting a dime and you got to sit there and beg after you move out for your security deposit, you guys, there's no need for this if you do not, if you telling yourself, well, I don't have the money right now to buy a house. Hello, hello, hello. Are you there? Monique says she has grants that will cover your entire down payment, right? You only need a 620 credit score. That's it. 620 okay, if you're not there, we have a whole team that takes care of your credit. And they're not some fly by night YouTubers. They're actual lawyers. They have gotten my clients credits up, credit score up from 580, to 750, and 30 days. And guess what? Guys, I use them the real deal. They are the real deal. My credit is over 700 because of this exact person and his team, their lawyers. Okay, so it's not some of these sending out letters and all that, or dragging you along with, you know, with a carrot and just taking your money every month. These guys get it done because they know. That you're trying to buy a home, and they they know that we're looking at them. We need you to get their credit up quickly so they're the real deal. I've got plenty of my listeners out there that have used them. They're very happy with them. And guess what? After you buy the house, Becky, you get to continue on with that 700 plus credit score, which means you can refinance your car, which means you can get credit cards at a much lower interest rate, right? It changes your life absolutely. So not only did we help you and bless you with a home, we helped your entire life going forward, because it's not easy to get that score. But anyway, so there it is, guys, we are a one stop shop, if you're just tuning in. This is Monique Buchanan. I am a realtor here in Las Vegas, but me and Becky are a team of Welcome Home Team. There's about what, seven of us, seven of us total, and we are looking to expand. So if you're interested in becoming part, if you're a realtor and you're interested in becoming part of this team, you can jump on my website, welcome home with at the top, it says agent, and you can say join. Or you could just text me, 7029 84, 3700, okay, guys, so we're gonna go ahead and bring on none other than Mr. Anthony with guaranteed rate. He is our preferred lender. And like I mentioned before, guys, if you've been told no by any other lender besides Mr. Anthony from guaranteed rate, I do not want you to give up, because he does not know what no means. Okay, he's never gonna tell you no. He may say Not right now, but this is the following things that these are the following things I need you to do, and that's gonna get us to the Yes, am I right? Anthony, you

Unknown Speaker 16:32
are absolutely right. You know, when it comes to purchasing a house, half the battle is getting approved, but the other half is being confident on what you're getting approved for. So that way, it's really important for someone like myself or whatever mortgage professional you're using, they don't not only approve you, but they they educate you in the process, so that that way, you know where we were, where we are, and where we're going. Because if you're a confident buyer, you're going to be a buyer that's going to be able to make quick decisions, and you have to do that in this type of market,

Unknown Speaker 17:05
absolutely, absolutely. In fact, Becky shared her story about her, one of her best friends that was told her and her husband was told not only No, but never remember that the other lender told them they would never be able to buy a home. And Anthony, do you want to, just like, just touch over that a little bit, because that was, that was a doozy, and unfortunately, it happens too often where you have other lenders that tell them no, they just, you know, you're never gonna be able to buy a home.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
I'm noticing a lot of lenders right now. They kind of freeze up if it's not like a slam dunk, right, whereas, if you just kind of open your peripheral vision, understand what the buyers trying to do, see what obstacles are in front of us. We can easily move around those obstacles, or, more importantly, go through them, so that way they don't become an obstacle anymore, not only now and in the future. And that's exactly what happened with Becky's. You know, clients, they were told no, no, countless times it took just thinking outside the box and being proactive, not reactive, in their situation, and we were able to transform their situation quickly and get them in the escrow. Yes, they

Unknown Speaker 18:13
are closing at the end of this month. Good job. Good job. Becky

Unknown Speaker 18:16
gets so excited for them. You

Unknown Speaker 18:18
guys are a great team. So yeah, I just thank God for you guys as my team, because that's it, you know, Anthony, that you think out the box, bro, and that's the thing that I was telling my listeners, or our listeners, that you have to have a lender that thinks out the box. It cannot have the the blinders on, you know? And if it's not, like you said, clean cut, a lot of people have things. How heck I had, I had a couple issues when I bought my house in June, and you thought out the box and got me to the finish line, and so that's why I'm enjoying my property even, right? So it's not just, you know, it's everybody right now, a lot of people. So it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it is a five minute application or conversation with Anthony, and he will get you, like he said, through those or around those issues, am I right? Anthony, yeah, they

Unknown Speaker 19:03
don't. They don't even have to do an application. There can be they can literally just call you or call myself and just have a frank conversation. I want to hear their story. What are they trying to do? Why are they wanting to move you know, is it the landlord that's raising the rent. Is it because they can't paint their daughters, you know, room pink to get more life to it? Do they want a pool? Do they want closer to schools? Everyone has a story, and in our industry, we kind of forget that there's a human element to it, and it's not just transactional, right? And I find that when, when I talk to a client first, my first question is, what is your story? What are you trying to do for yourself and your family? And I find most of the time, the obstacles that are in their way were either self manifested or they were incorrectly notated as an obstacle. And once I talk with them, I show them that it is not an obstacle. If anything, it's an opportunity, and once I understand their story, that's where I breathe confidence into the consumer. And if we have a confident buyer, we have a buyer that's motivated to buy, whereas if we have a buyer that's not confident and not educated, they're going to be on the sidelines, like a lot of people are right now, because they're not educated on what's going on, especially with the rates, and people saying, should I should I wait? Should I buy later? That's the biggest question I get asked,

Unknown Speaker 20:27
right? And what do you say to that? Should they buy later, or should they buy now? And why?

Unknown Speaker 20:32
My advice, buy now, date the rate, marry the house, refinance in 12 months or so. So that way you're not having to fight when all these people come off the sidelines like they're doing now. And we can get closing costs. We can get still a good rate. We can get everything you want without having to wait. And then you'll get a final line with 10 people want the same house the

Unknown Speaker 20:53
last 10 clients. What we that we've assisted, we've gotten over, you know, upwards of 10, $15,000 from the seller to pay their cost. Oh, yeah. And I feel like, Hello, I've been saying that that window is closing. Yeah, they're not so easily giving it up, even now when

Unknown Speaker 21:08
you're when you're competing with other buyers, and there's three and four people or more vying for that house closing costs, aren't it?

Unknown Speaker 21:15
No, because as a seller, why should I pay any of your costs? If I've got somebody right behind you that says they don't need that. They've got their own closing costs, right? Exactly. So that's what I'm telling people. If you're out there listening and you feel like, oh, I don't really have the money saved to buy a house like Anthony said, we have the grant programs that can take care of that. For you, Anthony's going to take care of the grants for you. He's going to get the zero down. I'm going to go me and Becky will negotiate the closing costs out of the seller's pocket. That's right now, if you continue to wait, that opportunity is going to go away. It's inevitable. It's going to happen to where sellers are not going to be paying closing costs anymore. Guess what else new home bills are not going to be paying closing costs anymore. Anthony, do you want to kind of touch on the whole new home build? Like let you know one thing I want people to understand too, when you're looking at these new homes, they are beautiful, but they also come at a much higher mortgage, because new homes have to charge 1% for their taxes. So a resale property on average, let's say average, 2400 square foot home. I don't know, 2010 house, whatever, right? That house is going to cost around 1200 to 1800 to 1800 a year in taxes. That same size house, or that same house brand new, if they're selling it for 600,000 or 500,000 it's going to be 1% so $5,000 a year, that's going to make your mortgage payment that much higher. And then what else do they need to know about buying brand new homes? Anthony, you know, with the SID lid, you know, the whole I'm going to give you, you know, the new home builders say, Well, I'm going to pay your closing cost of 8000 credit. What do you say to that? Anthony, you

Unknown Speaker 22:51
know, I tell people this, you know, once I understand their story and understand what they're trying to do, I say, Listen, just like a new car, when you buy a new car, you drive off the lot instant depreciation, and if you try to sell that same car back to the to the lot, you're not getting the same price that you paid for it. Same thing is with a new house versus an existing build, with a new build, like you said, Mo, you're going to have taxes that are going to be double, because they have to take an account. They have to pay for the municipalities, the streets, the roadways, you know, all the improvements for that community. And so you're going to see higher taxes than a traditional resale. And

Unknown Speaker 23:29
guys, I want them to understand and know that builders are not the only ones giving the three one buy down and the two one buy down, you're giving that as well. So you can still give them that same incentive with a resale property, okay? And guess what? No extra cost baked into it. It is what it is. The numbers are what they are, right? Anthony, so resell, we can do the three, one buy down when we write the offers on resale properties, seller pays his stuff, buyer pays theirs. But in this case, I've been getting the seller to pay some of the buyers, you know, costs as well. But typically the seller will pay for the seller policy and and the, you know, and the owner policy and the transfer tax. But when you go with a brand new bill, they push those many, in many cases, they push that off onto the buyer. So it's just, you know, a better deal all the way around, in my opinion, and the numbers opinions, because numbers they don't lie. If you buy resale and go ahead and do the two or three, one buy down. Now let me just break that down real quick. And easy to understand, what happens is when I negotiate that $10,000 out of the seller's pocket, Anthony applies it to something called the I'll just do two years. Two years or AKA, two one buy down. What is that, Monique, that's giving you two years to wait on the rates to come down to where you can refi. You can refi at any time, but it just gives you some cushion on the payment. In other words, if today's rate is 6% just for easy math, and your normal payment would have been $3,000 right for whatever, for a $500,000 house when Anthony. Applies that $10,000 that I was able to negotiate from the seller. Basically, it's like the seller is paying a couple $100 every month on your mortgage for you, okay? Because you're pulling it, they're pulling it out of that $10,000 bucket. They're saying, Okay, your normal mortgage is 3000 but because Monique and Anthony got you this $10,000 the first year, your payments only 2500 the second year, your payments only 2800 Okay, and then year three through 30 it'll be that normal, $3,000 all the way until 30 years is up if you do not refinance. Do you see the benefit in that you are saving money every single year by allowing the seller to pay a couple $100 on your mortgage until the rates come down to fours, or wherever you want them to. Now, once they come, let's say that they come down to the fours. In one year, you get to go ahead and refinance, and then whatever's left over of that $10,000 that me and Anthony got you, it goes towards your principal. You do not lose it, and that's with the resale property now real quick, and we only have a couple of minutes left of the show, so really quick. Anthony Becky had a quick question,

Unknown Speaker 26:08
if, if any of my clients bought a house like about a year ago, do you think now's a good time to refi?

Unknown Speaker 26:14
That's a great question. Should they refi?

Unknown Speaker 26:16
That's a great question. So I mean, here's, here's my thought on this, if they're saving money and the amount of the cost of the refi, they make it up within 12 months, I would say yes, because they can refinance now take advantage of having that lower payment. And then in 12 months, when we are 18 months, or less than two years when we know rates are going to be down based off of the Fed's forecast projections, then we can refinance again, as long as they make up the cost of the refi in between when they refine now and when they refinance in 1218, months, 24 months tops. That's

Unknown Speaker 26:55
why I like working with you, Anthony, because you break it all down for them and let them know whether or not it makes sense, and

Unknown Speaker 27:01
if it Yeah, and you don't just try to get the sale, you know, it's not about the sale, the sale, the sale. It's about, hey, is this gonna set my client up for success? Is this gonna help their family or just themselves? You know what I mean? So thank you, Anthony, for coming on. We appreciate that. Like always. Welcome spreading your knowledge. Okay, guys, so I do have a listing for you, 508, sportsman, drive. Okay, this is a four bedroom over 1500 square feet, completely remodeled. And guess what, no. Hoa, all right, there's a lot of opportunity there. I think there's already, like an Airbnb. I'm just saying almost down the way, down the road. I'm not saying that you have to do that, you have to do that, but there's a lot of opportunity near freeway access across from Summerlin. Once again, it is completely remodeled. So that is the main thing, completely remodeled from head to toe. And here is the best part. Four bedrooms, all right? Two bath, 399, you heard me right? 399,000 and it has a pool. So we're talking about a no HOA pool property, all right, two car garage near Summerlin for 399,000 you heard me right. So once again, you can check that property out at 508, sportsmen. And if you'd like to view the property, MS, Becky would have no problem running you on over there and letting you take a look. 70298. 430-700-7029, 84, 3700 508, sportsmen. If you are looking for a property that's four bedrooms with a pool remodeled from head to toe. All right, Becky, until we hear from you, right? So we will talk to you guys soon, and have a blessed weekend. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate. My license number is S 1788 46 my phone number, if you'd like to contact me, is 7029. 8437 8437, 00, you can also find me on YouTube, and please join me tomorrow at my church, Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.

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The Rates Have Come Down!! What Does This Mean for You?
Broadcast by