Want Realtor Success? Here’s Why You Should Join "The Wealthy Group"
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. I know
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you see me on the
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radio, but you
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still don't pay me
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no attention. Good morning. This is Monique Buchannan, the host of the welcome home with Monique show. And on this show, I talk all things real estate. Listen. I want to thank you for tuning in.
Unknown Speaker 0:39
Well, happy Saturday Las Vegas. It is your host, Monique Buchanan of the welcome home with Monique show. Let me tell y'all something for first and foremost, good morning. How are you? I'm glad you're up on listening to the show today. I've got a great show for you. I am so excited to introduce none other than the you know, the reason I am out there doing the things that I'm doing, getting the information top of my game is because I am part of what you guys have heard me say before, a group called the wealthy group out of EXP, okay, and I've got the founder of the wealthy group on today, honey. So listen, even if you're not a realtor yourself, this show is gonna be kind of geared towards my real estate agents that listen to the 91 point 1.5 or even the family members that have real estate agents that listen to 91.5
Unknown Speaker 1:28
I've got the founder of the wealthy group, okay, you guys have heard me say my group is out of Atlanta. They're they're in all 50 states now, but the main, main section is in Atlanta. Okay, then that's where we we you know, come together. But anyways, I've got none other than Miss Terry gleeton, the founder of the wealthy Group. Hi Terry. Good morning, Monique. I am so blessed to be here with you. I traveled to visit just with you, so I'm excited to be here. I mean, I stumbled all over that intro, but my listeners are used to it. They're like Monique in the morning. She gets us up.
Unknown Speaker 2:08
So anyways, I'm so excited to have you on Terry, because, you know, I have shared my testimony with you many a times, and I feel like there's so many other agents out there that they want to be the best for their clients. They want to be at the top of their game so that they can, you know, do do the best, obviously, for their clientele. But a lot of times it's hard to come by certain information. You know, as an agent, a new agent myself, even after I was, you know, in the business for a couple years, I struggled with learning about investments. I struggled with finding somebody that would teach me about luxury, and that is why I am so grateful that you are doing what you do for over 400 agents, over 400 you guys heard me, so we're part of EXP, but exp has different communities within itself, right, correct? The best way to explain that, yeah, silos, organizations, of course, you know that Calvin and I, my husband who co founded the wealthy group with me. Shout out, Calvin. Yeah. Shout out to Calvin. Listen. We got off that plane. He was too tired, so I had to wheel it on in here. But prior to coming to exp we own sixth century 21 offices in the metropolitan Atlanta area. We've coached over 1000 agents. We've sold over a billion dollars, you know, like, we just really know real estate is in our blood. It's what we do. We do Property Management fix and flips. I mean, you name it, it's just what we do. But when we came over to exp,
Unknown Speaker 3:36
it was a huge transition for us, because we were used to being, you know, just doing things our way, right? And when we came over, what we realized, when, when, ex, when, exp, brought us over, there were only 4000 agents at exp. Fast forward today. Now there's 87,000 agents globally, right? Yes. And when we came over, what we realized is there wasn't a lot of community. The company was going through growing pains, and we wanted to create a community for the agents that joined exp, that we were attached to, that we were affiliated. We wanted agents to have that warm welcome. We wanted them to know that they had people that were going to celebrate them, not tolerate there absolutely that people that wanted the best for them, not just from them. So we created the wealthy group. And you know, over the last three years, we've sold three quarter billion real estate with A, B, yes, you have three quarters of a billion, so $750
Unknown Speaker 4:39
Unknown Speaker 4:41
so I think we kind of are doing things right? Yeah, we've been recognized by the National Association of real estate brokers as one of the top organizations in the entire United States. That's amazing. And it's not really about me and Calvin and you kind of said it, it's a community. Yes, it's so we have.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Really, really focused on the agents, their success, their production, their growth, their inspiration, their education, and providing great mentorship, yes, and so that, and that was exactly what I needed, you know, I would go to these other brokerages, and believe me, y'all, I did the footwork, honey. I went to all the big brokerages, you know what I mean? Because I thought, Oh, if it's a big name, I'm going to do well. And that's what you think when you're getting into this business. You think, Oh, I know that name. Oh, if I go there, I'll do really good. But unfortunately, that's just not the case in many, in many cases, listen, I would go up to the top agents and say, Hey, can you share with me? And they're looking at me like, No way, right? Competition, your competition. And that was something that I did not have to deal with when I came over to exp. And especially with the wealthy group, I had the top agents in the business pouring into me, including yourself and Calvin, you know. And like I said, You guys had six brokerages, 6123456,
Unknown Speaker 5:59
and you. And so how did that look as a broker with that many agents? What did that transition look like? So when we came over to exp we no longer were a part of the century 21 franchise. Calvin did not renew an 09 the market had went through a horrific time. It had crashed, and the agents had fled like crazy. They went and got jobs, went and got new careers, and we were an independent. We had become an independent in 2009
Unknown Speaker 6:25
and just kind of trucking along. And we were looking for something to be more competitive. We were looking for an opportunity to really expand in our space right like to reclaim some of the success that we had before the market crashed. And what we found is we weren't necessarily as competitive as an independent we needed tools. We needed resources. We needed intuitive technology. And I come from an IT background. I served 13 years in the Navy. I was an information technology specialist. I worked for IBM, so I knew how important the technology piece was, but I just didn't know what I was looking for until we heard about EXP and we came on over. But something that you said, right? You said, I've been to some of the big names, and I went to those agents in the office, and they looked at me like I was crazy. And that's, you know what, dominant, that's very common Monique, that is, that's the that's the norm, because many agents, yeah, right. And because we are publicly traded in, the agents have an equity interest in our brokerage, it's different, right? So if Monique does good, that's good for me, you know, if I'm an agent in California and I'm reaching out to an agent, you know, in South Carolina, they're gonna give me my playbook, even if we are in the same office in California, they're gonna give you the playbook. You know, I'm one of these to believe that was for me, is for me. You know, you can't take what's mine. So if I share with you, that doesn't impede on what's available for me, right? And that's a culture of EXP, yes, it is. Yes it is in all 50 states. In all 50 states, a lot of people don't know this, but exp has the number one or number two agent in every major market. In the United States, we are the number one brokerage transaction wise across the globe. Oh, wait, you got to say that again, we are the number one brokerage across the globe, and not just the states, the entire world. And people don't realize that because they don't see the big signs in advertising. So a lot of just regular folks, like the you know, a lot of my my people that want to list their homes, they're like, Oh, I've never heard exp, but we are number one in the world, number one globally, because we take those funds instead of marketing and putting up billboards, we're pouring back into the agents. That's right, that's right. So let me tell you how that transcends. When you have the number one, number two agent just out there doing mega production
Unknown Speaker 8:52
as a new agent, a novice agent, you're surrounded now by the best, right? And so these agents are pushing you to greatness because of our culture, you know, these are the agents that are teaching in our virtual world. These are the agents that are sharing with you. And proximity is power. Yes, proximity is power. And so when you have that type of guidance, you know, you're destined, as long as you implement that's, that's the secret key, you have got to do the work. Yeah, you got to do the work. For me. I was with a small brokerage, a boutique brokerage, at first, and it was great, and I was very comfortable, and I was doing okay, but I knew I was in a pond, and I knew I needed to get out there and, you know, get the tools that could scale my business. And when you're with 100% office, is what we call it, right? Because I bought tooth and nail. I was like, Oh, I remember that. Yes, I bought tooth and nail. I was like, wait a minute, I am keeping 100% but what was I keeping 100% of? Hello, nothing. Hello. So now I'm so grateful that I got past that, because once I finally got past that, and I got with this, you know, company that's teaching me how to scale, I got with wealthy group who's teaching me diff.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Faucets of you know, the business that I would have never known about. Had I stayed in my little boutique brokerage, I wouldn't have been able to help the investor client. I wouldn't have been able to know what to look out for with my luxury clients, had I not come over to the wealthy group in exp, right? So that's another benefit. It's almost like we practiced, but we did not just got off the plane. Yeah? Monique says we're going on the radio, right? That's right, I was snatching her up. And if you're just tuning in and you want more information, or you would like to even have a chat with Miss Terry, 702984 3700 even if you're just thinking of becoming an agent, don't hesitate to reach out. 7029 84, 3700 we will answer these questions for you. If you're thinking about transitioning into a different brokerage, or if you're a broker, that's, you know, that's around with these payments of more, you know, brick and mortar exactly, you know, as as an independent we own the brokerage too. So I know what you're saying with the pain points. That's real talk. Monique, right? When you say I had, I was getting 100% Well, we owned the brokerage, so we were getting everything. But you know, what else we were getting? We were getting all the bills, we were getting all of the liability, we were taking all of the risk, but we didn't have time freedom. That's good, you know? We just did not have the time freedom. I remember one day we were getting ready to get on a plane.
Unknown Speaker 11:22
And I think we were going to Puerto Rico, and an agent says, You've got to sign this HUD contract for me, Calvin, you know, you can't get on that plane, and we had to miss the plane. Oh, wow, you know, and, and that was kind of like a wake up call for me that we do not have freedom. You know, we're making good money, but then we're spending a ton of money, you know, to keep the office open, to pay the managing broker, and all of these expenses. And I started to think, Wait a minute, this company just has a 16,000 cap, and that's all, and that's even if you have multiple licenses, even if you have multiple licenses, it's all that one cap, all throughout all 50 states. And that is a big reason a lot of realtors do join exp is there's one cap. So even about my license, like, you know, my my agents under me, one of She Has Utah, yes, she has Georgia, honey. She has Nevada, but she has one cap, one cap, one cab, one office fee. And so I got to doing the math, Monique, and I thought, wow, we're spending almost 100 grand on our brokerage annually, right? But if we transition to exp, we would only spend 16,000 in a cap. And then I couldn't even wrap my head around that, because it almost seemed too good to be true. Now, now let's, let's play devil's advocate. Now here I am a broker. I'm listening to you. I'm like, Yeah, but I get that transaction fee of 495, or whatever. You know what I mean? What do you say to that? How do they still, you know, every time they're agents, they're making a little bit of something off their agents, right? Let's say they have 50 agents, 100 agents, 400 agents, right? Like, well, you know, yeah, but I'm making something off of each deal. Well, you're making something off of every single agent at exp with our powerful revenue share program. To me, exp is the only brokerage that truly, truly allows an agent to build wealth for generations to come. Your business is willable to an heir. Everything that you build you can pass down to some to your children. Exp pays revenue share seven levels down. No other brokerage does that. You earn up to 4000
Unknown Speaker 13:32
per agent on your front line each year. So you know, when we were in Georgia as licensed agents, I want you to you said you're playing devil's advocate, but let me tell you, you have been an angel in my life. Let me say this, I never thought I would have a Las Vegas Nevada agent, and now here I am in Georgia. Had I been thinking regional and small and worried about a little bit of money, I never would have got to the big dreams, the freedom, the ability to grow an organization without borders. Think about that. You have a whole organization out here in Nevada. If I had just been that brokerage in Georgia, we would have never it would have never happened. No, it would have never happened. Now we have agents like you said, in Utah and in Seattle, and, you know, California. I helped a lady in Columbia. You see, you see, now, if I was still with my boutique brokers, do you think I could help a lady from Columbia, and we're in 24 countries, it allows us to do business. I just sold a house in Atlanta. Yes, just sold a house in Atlanta, and I helped my other client buy. We sold his house here in Vegas, and then we helped him sell or buy a home in Houston, you see, and you're right, if I just thank God every day. So if you're just tuning in once again, 7029 84, 3700, now not to get off topic, but you are going to have also a question and answer form as.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Assume that you're hosting here. Actually, I am Monique, and you know, you caught me off guard again. I'm good for that.
Unknown Speaker 15:08
Unknown Speaker 15:09
love it. I love it. So I said, Listen, Monique, what we'll do if anybody has questions. And listen, you don't have to be a licensed agent. No, it may be something you're interested in, right? Just thinking, you know, there are big, huge names and influencers that who have gotten their license and join exp so that they can benefit off of the wealth building of revenue share. Who are some of the big names that you do grant? Cardone. Cardone, with my brokerage exp Exactly. His wife, Milena, is one of the revenue share growers. They're out of the Miami area, and they have attracted almost 1000 agents to their organization. You know, when you know a good thing, when you know something's good I've done the leg work. You know you're out there. You just want to do best by your clients. You need the education, but you also need just the support. That's what I was missing. I was missing that support and that guidance to help me scale my business and to help me learn all these different areas that I had no clue. And if I would not have made that leap of faith, I would have still been in the small pond. And, you know, I feel like I was sort of like a secret leader, you know, the of the wealthy group. I knew that we were doing right by the agents and really pouring into them to increase their production. But you may not remember this, but about a year and a half ago, maybe two years ago, I was about to catch a flight. I was on a layover from,
Unknown Speaker 16:37
I know I was headed to Dubai. I can't remember where I was, and years Yes, and you called me, yeah, and you answered and you were emotional, and you just said, I just want to thank you. And that was over two it was more than two years ago. It could have been. It was right after you joined, yeah, it was only three years ago that phone call changed everything for me, because you were so transparent about where your business was worse of work versus where it is, but more so where it was going, Yeah, and when we landed, and I, you know, slept for the first day, yeah, I told Calvin, I said, we have got to do more about spreading The word about what we're doing. Because what I fell out of Monique in that phone call was passion. She's excited about where her business is going, gratefulness and great, because it's all I was looking for. And I just didn't think it existed out there. Because, you know, I'm considered competition everywhere I go. I have a heart to share and, you know, but it was very hard finding others that have that, not to say that they're not out there, right, but but to have a community of all these people that you brought and put together that are willing to just share, right? And you know, we have nine lead mechanisms within the brokerage, and that's super huge for us. Whether you're wanting to get into luxury or you're already in luxury, and you need it to be scaled. Or you leads are provided leads are and that's so it's imperative. When you're a new agent, you've got all these keys coming at you. You need people don't realize it's very expensive to be a realtor. I mean, we're talking 1000s a year, so it's like, oh my goodness, I need to, you know, get some kind of leads, or some, I get that call all the time, right? And so it's good that agents that are listening, hopefully you'll hear, not only are you gonna have 80 classes a week that you can take virtually in in a, you know, office, or not only you're gonna have your broker, in many cases, there's three brokers that you can reach out to, not to mention a whole platform of agents that are willing to answer your questions. That was something else I struggled with. I would have a question about something when I was a newer agent, and even now, you know what I mean, because you never really learned at all, right, right, right. I could never get a hold of anybody to help me. And you know, we have, recently, in the last 12 months, opened up our 24/7 services, and that has been a game changer. You can call in at 2am and check on your commission. Yeah, you can reach out for broker support at 6am you can have a question to get through a contract at eight o'clock at night, and there is somebody's gonna give you that. That was a huge, huge plus for me, because, you know, there are certain situations that have come up. You're like, Well, wait a minute. I don't want to handle this wrong. What do I handle this wrong. What do I do? Right? So another thing, let's, I don't mean to pivot again, but exp offers health coverage. Girl, hello, health coverage. I couldn't believe it. You know, the joke is, have you ever heard of a retiring realtor? No, but with real but with exp, you can retire. Yeah, you can retire. You can retire. Yeah, because we don't want to show homes until we're 67 years old. And, you know, I'm one of these people, you know, I'm very, very connected to what I want my legacy to be. You know, my son is 23 years old and killing it. And he's killing it. He's a commercial broker. Yes, he's actually one.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
The managing brokers for the state of Georgia. So he oversees over 3000 agents on compliance. And he's 23, years old, but that came from him getting off his butt and getting into our office when he was 16 and reviewing these contracts for us, right? But he was doing but he did the work. He did the work. And, you know, I didn't give him anything. He's worked hard for everything that he's gotten. You know, now, of course, I'm gonna give him any leg up I can. I'm glad he's he's got to do the work, and I'm really proud of him for that. But I just think being able to build something, you know, Warren Buffett says, If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work through your life. You work until you die. Yeah, it will just work way. And this is the way. There has to be an easier way. If you're a real estate agent out there and you're looking for a community, you're looking for people that know exactly how to be successful, and they want to collapse time and put you right in front of the blueprint. And all you have to do is do the work you believe in yourself, but you need a better way. Get with Monique. Listen, get with Monique. Give her a call. We will do a one on one, but also on Sunday, no, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday. We will be doing a info session. You'll zoom via zoom, they join on their phones or yeah, all they have to do is get with Mo Yeah, and she will get you in front of the information. Yeah, we'll send you the link if you have questions, if we haven't addressed something that you were thinking about, there's your opportunity to go ahead and ask those That's right, but it's always open for you to reach out. 7029
Unknown Speaker 21:38
8430 700-702-9430
Unknown Speaker 21:41
700 This is Monique Bucha, and I am the host of the welcome home with Monique show. Your not only local Las Vegas realtor, but also in all 50 states and in 24 countries. I've got the founder, Miss, Miss Terry Gleason of the wealthy group on today. She'll she that's the group that I'm with. You guys. That is the reason I am on this show, pouring into you guys about investment properties, about, you know, probates, you know, all the different things that I talk about is because this woman right here has created such a platform that educates over 400 Realtors nationwide. I want to give you your flowers. Terry, thank you. Thank you. Don't make me cry. No, thank you. And she's so emotional because she has a heart for it. You guys hear how I talk about, you know, want to help people. That's how this woman right here is with her agents. She wants to see every one of us succeed, and she pours everything into it. So I'm gonna take a minute to give you your flowers. I wanna say thank you from all of us. Thank you. No, honestly. Now back on back to this.
Unknown Speaker 22:41
There's so much to talk about, you know, you have, you have done so much with this group, yeah, you know. And we're growing, you know, right now, we're, we're in a, we're in a growth place. Because, you know, first and foremost, people like to move around with brokerages. Sometimes people want to see if the grass is greener on the other side. Right? So right now, yeah, right now. We're in an amazing growth spurt. Nine every single day, nine agents return back home to exp Oh, that that were once here and left. That's right. So every day, five days a week, they're coming back. There's just nothing better out there. I've done the lake work, honey, nobody's offering. They'll all promise you the moon and the stars we got the best training. And I'm like, No, I'm just gonna be on, you know, you don't know. You don't unless you're giving me 80 classes a week that I can tap into in my socks and, you know, and, yeah, t shirt, you know, because I can do it from home. By the way, we didn't even say this, but exp is virtual. You're not gonna drive and see an exp office, you know? Why? Because it's agent owned. It's kind of like the wink goals of real estate, right? And guess what else a lot of brokerages are trying to become, like, exp, oh, yeah, it's a lot but, but, you know what? I'm not even mad at that Monique. I feel like brokerages, broker owners, they're starting to wake up and realize there's a better way. So there are going to be a ton of imitation brokerages to come up that have a very similar business model. Because it works. It does work, you know, it does work. So I'm not even mad at that, right? But I would just say that we're too far ahead. You know, it's kind of like we're that Amazon, right? And Fashion Nova is great, but they're not Amazon, right?
Unknown Speaker 24:24
No, they're not, but we love fashion nova.
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Amazon gets it to me the same day Exactly, exactly. Yeah, that's a very good analogy and but you're right. So exp has just, we've been in the game for so long, we've worked out all the kinks, and we're doing nothing, but just getting better and better every day. Of course, for one thing is this radio station. Obviously, I have quite a few people that will call in and that we assist many of my listeners. Well, I needed a platform, I needed some kind of a tool, because I'm great, but I'm not that great. I can't keep up with that many people, right, right? I'm only human. I'm not AI. So the great thing about exp two is that it provides all these amazing tools, right?
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Including one tool that is a very powerful CRM that will, when people call in, it'll automatically, you know, pull them in, pull them in, make sure they don't feel like they're just left out there. You know, that's water not being taken care of. So I, you know, it helped me multiply myself. That is correct, and that's what you want. Is that, like that same philosophy I was just sharing. You've got to use technology, right? And there was a time when the internet came out, when the internet came out the the National President of the realtors board, right? The National President when the internet first started, he said, In five years, you the public won't need real estate agents anymore. And look at this now, that was 25 years ago, and we still need real estate agents. But what we don't have, I'm going to tell you who went away real estate agents that refuse to use the internet, you see, and so now we have intuitive technology. CRMs, AI, all of these things. And so will real estate agents be put out of business because there's AI, no, but those agents that are not plugged in to the right, right resources, the right training, they will be extinct. You have to embrace the technology that is right left behind, you'll be left behind, but, you know, will always be a factor in in the transaction of someone purchasing a home because it's too personal. You know, I just don't think that that the robots are ever going to sell the houses because it's too emotional, right? There's too many decisions an emotional factor into purchasing your forever home. Yeah. So good practitioners will always have a job, but you just want to make sure that your education, you're up on the latest trends. You know, your market, and you're just surrounded by really great support. And that's something right now we were talking about on the way over here. You know, a lot of agent friends are like, hey, the market is down for them, you know, so and that's the thing with the with the with the group. Once it is not down, you guys keep your finger to the pulse. But if anything happens, even when NAR happened, you guys were right on it, explaining to all of your agents, all 400 plus agents, on how to handle this and handle it the right way. That's right, and be able to explain it to your clients. Dress right. You guys were doing it before a lot of brokerages were even doing it. Well, yeah, I mean, because it was out there and you can't, you know, turn a blind eye to what you see is happening in the market. You know, my husband has been in the business over 42 years. He's owned sixth century, 21 offices. And when he talks, I listen, you know, especially about real estate. Now, when he's talking about the bills, I don't listen to that.
Unknown Speaker 27:45
Yeah. Well, Terry, I want to tell you the best decision I ever made was coming over to exp. I've heard your husband, who owned six brokerages, say the exact same thing. I've heard him say it time and time again. So brokers that are out there listening. Listen, it's a quick conversation, and get your get your questions answered by somebody that had brokerages that can understand what you're going through, what your pain points are like. Terry said, it's a conversation we're not into, you know, pushing anybody you know me. I'm not pushy, but I like to educate people. Then you make your own educated decision. That's all we're asking. Is that too much? Not too much at all. Not too much at all. Terry, I want to thank you so much for coming on, and hopefully we'll have you back on here with Mr. Gleaton as well. Yes, yes. I'll be harassing you. And for all of you out there, if this show you know you want your friend, or you know somebody that's in the you know, in the business or thinking about becoming a realtor. Don't worry, you can check the show out on YouTube. It'll be uploaded by Monday, honey.
Unknown Speaker 28:48
So welcome home. Show on YouTube, and it'll be there, okay? And if you could always text me, 702 94 3700 I'll send you a link to the show so you can share it. Or if you're somebody that has more questions. But unfortunately, I only have 30 minutes with Miss gleaton, and we gotta go ahead and wrap this up. But listen, you have access to me, and I'll get you with Miss gleaton and her team, our team, and get those questions answered for y'all see me the link to the zoom this Saturday at what time? Saturday at 11am well, that's Eastern, so that would be say no, 888,
Unknown Speaker 29:23
Saturday at eight back. You know what you're hearing the show right now. The zoom is on there. You all right, sounds good until I hear from you guys. Thank you again. Miss Terry, yes, ma'am. All right. Be blessed, everybody. We'll talk soon. Thank you for listening. Please remember all terms discussed are simply an estimate. My license number is S 1788, 46, my phone number, if you'd like to contact me, is 702-984-3700,
Unknown Speaker 29:49
you can also find me on YouTube and please join me tomorrow at my church, Living Word Church on hassle. I'm part of the EXP Realty Group.
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